- Representation of the United States in the Peace Conference and related international bodies (Documents 1–46)
- The First International Labor Conference (Documents 47–48)
- Preparations for the Second Pan American Financial Conference (Documents 49–52)
- Conventions for the establishment of an international gold-clearance
fund (Document 53)
- Conventions for facilitating the work of traveling salesmen (Document 54)
- Abrogation of treaties and provisions of treaties which conflicted with
the Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915 (Documents 55–80)
- Norway: Withdrawal of denunciation of treaty of July 4, 1827,
except as to articles 13 and 14, terminated as of July 1, 1916 (Documents 55–62)
- Spain: Withdrawal of denunciation of the treaty of July 3, 1902, except as to articles 23 and 24,
terminated as of July 1, 1916; understanding with respect to Spanish
transport taxes and American income tax (Documents 63–73)
- Sweden: Termination of the treaty of July 4, 1827, on February 4,
1919; continuance of the convention of June 1, 1910 (Documents 74–80)
- Norway: Withdrawal of denunciation of treaty of July 4, 1827,
except as to articles 13 and 14, terminated as of July 1, 1916 (Documents 55–62)
- Boundary disputes (Documents 81–148)
- Colombia and Panama: Withdrawal of President Porras from the
controversy (Documents 81–83)
- Colombia and Peru: Good offices of the United States for the
continuance of negotiations—Colombia and Venezuela: Good offices of the
United States in negotiations (Documents 84–91)
- Guatemala and Honduras: Good offices of the
United States in averting conflicts and furthering negotiations;
conference between special missions at Washington, opened May 20, 1918;
request of the special missions that the Secretary of State suggest a
basis of settlement; economic survey of the disputed area and report,
October 16, 1919 (Documents 92–129)
- Honduras and Nicaragua: Good offices of the
United States in maintaining the agreed status
quo of 1918—Charges of violations of status
quo (Documents 130–148)
- Colombia and Panama: Withdrawal of President Porras from the
controversy (Documents 81–83)
- The Tacna-Arica question (Documents 149–217)
- Expulsion of the Peruvian consul from Iquique, November 24,
1918—Withdrawal of Peruvian consuls from Chile—Offer of good offices of
the United States for a solution of the dispute, December 4; suggestions
that South American governments support this action—Acceptance of
“mediation” by Peru; noncommittal reply of Chile—Action of South
American governments (Documents 149–183)
- Special investigation of incidents in the disputed provinces by the
United States consul at La Paz—Projects for a settlement of the dispute
by compromise or by arbitration (Documents 184–217)
- Expulsion of the Peruvian consul from Iquique, November 24,
1918—Withdrawal of Peruvian consuls from Chile—Offer of good offices of
the United States for a solution of the dispute, December 4; suggestions
that South American governments support this action—Acceptance of
“mediation” by Peru; noncommittal reply of Chile—Action of South
American governments (Documents 149–183)
- Oil development (Documents 218–224)