The Acting Secretary of State to the British Chargé (Lindsay)7
Sir: With reference to your notes of May 20, 1919, and June 3, 1919,8 and my note of June 9, 1919, regarding the draft of a Convention between Great Britain and the United States, concerning the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries, I beg to call your attention to a minor change which it seems to me should be made in Paragraph C of Section 3 of the Regulations transmitted in your note of May 20, 1919. In the description of the stock company or corporation to which licenses by the State of Washington may be issued, it is provided that “a majority of the stockholders” of such company shall be American citizens. It would be more accurate to say: “the holders of a majority of the stock”, and my Government accordingly desires to have that change made in the draft.
I have to-day received by cable the text of the full power signed by the President on June 9, 1919, authorizing me to sign the Sockeye Salmon Fisheries Treaty. Accordingly, as soon as I shall have received a favorable answer from your Government with regard to the suggestions contained in this note and my note of June 9, 1919, I foresee no obstacles to proceeding to the final steps in the negotiation of this Treaty.
Accept [etc.]