714.1515/110: Telegram

The Minister in Guatemala (Leavell) to the Secretary of State

Guatemala’s special commissioners in the matter of the boundary between Guatemala and Honduras sail for the United States on the steamer Coppename tomorrow afternoon and should arrive at New [Page 99] Orleans [Monday,] 29th, very early in the morning. Please arrange customs courtesies. Commission is composed of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Toledo Herrarte, who is taking up his wife and son; the other commissioners are Marcial Prem accompanied by his son, Manuel Echeverria, Claudio Urrutia, General Felipe Pereira accompanied by his son; and Mr. Aguilar goes as secretary to the commission.


[For the minutes of the conference opened at Washington, May 20, 1918, and the documents submitted by both Missions between that date and January 28, 1920, see Mediation of the Honduran-Guatemalan Boundary Question Held under the Good Offices of the Department of State, 1918–1919, 2 vols., Washington, Government Printing Office, 1919–1920.]