714.1515/64: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Guatemala (Thurston)

Your January 16, 11 p.m. and December 24, 11 p.m.

It is clearly understood that concessions, their rights and activities, may not be discussed in connection with the permanent settlement of the Guatemalan-Honduran boundary. The injection of irrelevant material could not fail to cloud the fundamental issue to be decided.

It is impossible to arrive at a decision as to whether trespass on foreign territory might or might not have occurred until the necessary dividing boundary line is clearly and definitively agreed upon, surveyed and staked out.

The United States Government will at once take steps looking to the naming of a definite date upon which all armed forces will be withdrawn from the disputed zone those of Guatemala North and West of Motagua River and those of Honduras South and East of Merendon Mountains.
