
The Chargé in Guatemala (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

No. 454

Sir: I have the honor to refer the Department to my unnumbered despatch dated January 14th, relating to the Guatemalan-Honduranean Boundary Dispute and to state that the situation today is as follows:

The Minister for Foreign Affairs repeats to me his statement that the Honduranean forces continue in the disputed zone, and that the Cuyamel Company continues its work of clearing new lands. As stated in my cablegram of January 16th, 11 P.M., the Guatemalan [Page 93] Government seems to be willing to withdraw from this zone whenever the Honduraneans do likewise.

The Guatemalan Government, however, insists that it is only right that the Cuyamel Company should cease in its development work and other activities of a pioneer nature, pending the settlement of this matter.

I have not yet been informed as to whether the Honduranean Government will continue its negotiations with the Guatemalan Special Mission headed by Victor Sánchez Ocafia, which is at present in Tegucigalpa.

I am endeavoring most earnestly to properly present to the Guatemalan Government the policy of the Department with reference to this dispute and will continue to keep the Department fully advised in the premises both by cable and written despatch.

I have [etc.]

Walter C. Thurston