Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/120

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Wednesday, July 23, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. White
    • General Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison
The Commissioners noted and approved the information submitted by the Secretary General with Memorandum No. 497 to the effect that he had forwarded the President’s message to the Emir Faisal through the Secretary General of the Hedjaz Delegation in Paris with a request that it be telegraphed to its destination. President’s Message to the Emir Faisal
The Commissioners approved Captain Gorfinkle’s request for release as stated in Memorandum No. 498. Release of Capt. B. L. Gorfinkle
Referring to Memorandum No. 499, the Commissioners approved a request being made to the French authorities to have a special car placed at the disposal of Mr. Polk and his party from Brest to Paris and authorizing the Disbursing Officer to pay the necessary expenses, should the French authorities fail to furnish the car gratis. Special From Brest to Paris for Mr. Polk and Party
The Commissioners approved Dr. Hudson’s “request for permission to return to the United States” as set forth in Memorandum No. 500, provided that the status of the work on which he is now engaged (particularly the Ports, Waterways and Railways Clauses for the Treaty with Bulgaria) shall have been completed. As Mr. Polk was on a fast ship and would probably reach Paris next Monday or Tuesday, Mr. Hudson might find it possible in any case to delay his departure until Mr. Polk’s arrival. Return to America of Dr. Manley O. Hudson
The Commissioners approved the draft telegram to the Department of State regarding the appointment of a successor to General Patrick submitted with Memorandum No. 501.
Mr. Harrison observed that there was some doubt as to whether Colonel Gorrell was still in Paris. Should he have already left France, the last three lines of the telegram in question might then be stricken out. Successor to General Patrick on the Aviation Committee
The Commissioners approved the draft telegram to the Secretary of State submitted with Memorandum No. 502 regarding the [Page 329] continuance of the New York and Paris Offices of the Committee on Public Information. The Commissioners desired that an additional sentence be added expressing their hope that the State Department would find it possible to furnish the funds necessary for this purpose. Maintenance of the New York and Paris Offices of the Committee on Public Information