- Aaland Islands, 578
- Abele, Clarence A., 412
- Abyssinia. See Ethiopia.
- Adams, E. D., 245–246
- Adams, Francis E., 66, 556
- Adams, J. A., 249
- Adjournment of Peace Conference, question of, 469, 642–643, 644–645, 646–647, 648, 650, 652–653, 656, 658–659, 662–665, 666, 669
- Adriatic (see also Italy: Territorial questions: Fiume and Dalmatia): Austro-Hungarian shipping, 65, 164, 587, 663; blockade, 438; U. S. and Allied military and naval forces in, 62, 436, 438, 439
- Aerial navigation. See Aviation.
- Africa: Proposed revision of general acts concerning, 474, 476, 534, 578; question of mandates for, 300–301, 578, 647, 662
- Albania: Boundary and territorial questions, 55–56, 185, 433, 577; Commission on Greek and Albanian Affairs, 86, 91, 251–252, 275, 304, 344, 524, 525; mandate, question of, 55, 185, 423; political conditions, 54–56, 185; protest against possible occupation by Greek forces, 425; representation at Peace Conference, 50, 55, 112; request for use of U. S. Courier Service, 173
- Alexander, Ludwell B., 26
- Algeciras, Act of, 75
- Alien Property Custodian. See under United States: Departments and agencies.
- Allen, J. L., 194
- Allied troops. See U. S. and Allied troops.
- Alsace-Lorraine, 412
- Aluminum Co. of America, 231
- Ambassadors, Committee of, 653–654, 659–660, 664–665, 673
- Amberg, Harold V., 556
- American Expeditionary Force University, 178
- American Federation of Labor, hearing by American Commissioners, 57, 69–71, 528–529
- American Geographical Society, 7
- American Jewish Congress, 141
- American Liquidation Commission, 158, 243, 294, 298, 375–376
- American Red Cross, 76, 85–86, 126, 129–130, 145, 149, 154, 167, 176, 178
- American Relief Administration (see also Food relief: Central European states: Railway transportation), 186, 191, 311, 384, 388, 394, 539, 540, 543
- Amory, Copley, 356
- Angell, Ernest, 23
- Arabia. See under Turkish territories.
- Archibald, S. G., 182–183
- Armenia. See under Turkish territories: Asia Minor.
- Armington, R. S., 231
- Armistice. See under Bulgaria and Germany.
- Arms and ammunition (see also Disarmament and War material): Convention on arms traffic, 233, 296, 333–334, 467, 474, 476, 534, 578; commission for revision of convention on arms traffic, 233, 296
- Arnold, Major, 388
- Art: Austrian art collections, preservation of, 353–354; international commission on transfer of works of art, proposed, 223; National Fine Arts Committee, U. S., 97, 120; portraits and photographs of members of Peace Conference, 33, 66, 79, 82, 97, 120–121, 184, 241, 246; Sargent, John Singer, 97, 120
- Asia Minor. See under Turkish territories.
- Atkins, Paul F., 224
- Auchincloss, Gordon, 257, 552
- Austria (see also
Food relief: Central European
- Art and scientific collections, preservation of, 353–354
- Claims of U. S. company, 189
- Coal situation, 349
- Commissions and committees concerning (see also Missions and Treaty of peace: Commissions, infra): Interallied Blockade Commission at Vienna, 353; Interallied Trade Commission, 231, 238; Repatriation of Austrian, German, and Hungarian Prisoners of War, Commission on, 332–333
- Consular representatives, U. S., dispatch to Austria, 168, 228–229
- Delegation: Interviews, 169, 194, 224, 228, 297, 356, 370, 394; summons to Paris, 169
- Exports, Allied control, 231, 238, 247, 296, 353
- Frontier questions with—
- Germany, question of union with, 87–88, 90, 513
- Italian demands and acquisitions, 74, 164, 180
- Loan (U. S.), proposed, 56, 61, 62
- Missions to (see also Commissions, supra):
- Preliminary peace, question of, 513, 519
- Prisoners of war, 3, 76, 183, 275, 332–333, 350, 356
- Property taken over by Italy, 164, 180
- Red Cross activities, 3, 76, 183, 350
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Commissions concerning: Austrian counterproposals, committees to consider, 244, 251, 263, 474; Austro-Hungarian boundary, commission to study, 243; Editing Committee (to coordinate replies to Austrian notes), 372, 375, 380, 391, 392; Political Clauses in Austrian Treaty, Commission on, 341–342, 362–363, 363–364, 380, 477–478
- Counterproposals: Committees to consider, 244, 251, 263, 474; discussions concerning, 235, 271, 272, 366–368, 370, 377, 397–398, 475; Editing Committee (to coordinate Allied replies), 372, 375, 380, 391, 392; request by Austria for text of Allied reply to German counterproposals, 235
- Drafting, discussions concerning, 274–277, 281, 302–303, 375, 380, 391–392, 392, 397–398, 453, 454, 456, 457, 459–460, 461, 477–478
- Presentation to Austrian delegation, 393, 459–460, 463
- Signature, questions concerning, 304, 368–369, 393, 405, 479, 617, 635, 662, 677
- Status of Austria as old or new state, 368, 398
- Terms, discussions: Aerial navigation, 302 boundary and political (see also Frontier questions, supra), 302, 341–342, 362–363, 363–364, 367, 370, 380, 453, 456, 461, 475, 477, 478, 576; economic, 367; financial, 258, 302, 453, 456; military, 453, 461, 475; minorities, 302, 303, 368–369, 393; nationality, 370, 380, 391, 476, 477–478; ports, etc., 274, 281, 302, 302–303, 303, 367–368; preamble, 398; religious enterprises, 163–164; reparation, 258, 302, 353–354, 453, 456; rights and interests outside Europe, 302, 303
- U. S. troops, 247, 296, 353
- Austria-Hungary, former Empire of (see also Austria and Hungary): Contributions to war costs by states acquiring former territory, 387–388, 454, 465–466, 472, 474, 475, 476; financial obligations of, 62, 63, 75, 151; legation in Sofia, seizure by Italy, 180: shipping, 65, 164, 587, 663
- Automobiles, purchase and use by American Commission, 37, 41, 42, 173, 183, 230, 257, 258–259, 262, 268, 293, 328, 355, 371, 394, 442, 445, 499
- Aviation: Aerial navigation clauses of Austrian, Bulgarian, and Turkish treaties, preparation, 302, 306, 307, 462; Aeronautical Commission, 36, 42, 159, 174–175, 177, 285, 301, 307, 326, 328, 361; conference for adoption of aerial navigation rules, 5, 36; convention on aerial navigation, 301, 307, 467–468
- Ayres, L. P., facing 550, 552, 556
- Azerbadjian delegation, 296
- Babeuf, Marcelle, 289
- Baker, Ray Stannard, 7, 21, 26, 37, 140, 160, 244, 539, facing 550, 554, 562
- Baird, Charles F., 237
- Baltic Sea: Blockade in, 418; questions concerning entrances, 284–285, 418–419, 421–422
- Baltic states:
- Bolsheviks, 33, 118, 152, 400, 435
- Commissions concerning (see also Missions, infra): Commission on Baltic Affairs, 147, 241, 285, 419, 422, 571, 591; Commission on Evacuation of Baltic Provinces, 680, 690
- Food, economic, and financial assistance, 62, 79, 113, 126, 285, 435
- Frontier, Polish-Lithuanian, 287–288, 383, 577
- German army of occupation: Cooperation with Bolsheviks in Lithuania, alleged, 118; evacuation of Baltic states, efforts toward, 170, 287–288, 444, 446; overthrow of Latvian Government, 170; passage by sea to Libau, question of, 89–90
- Lithuanian National Council, 92
- Loan, proposed, 285
- Missions to (see also Commissions, supra): American (Greene’s), 112, 114, 119, 232, 256, 263, 268, 271, 294, 295, 298–299, 327, 350–351, 356, 399–400, 536; British military mission (Gough’s), 232, 298–299, 418
- Prince’s Island Conference, questions concerning, 33, 36, 40
- Prisoners of war in Germany, 152
- Recognition, question of, 40
- Reports concerning, 164, 252, 263, 399–400
- U. S. diplomatic and consular representatives, proposals concerning, 371, 412
- U. S. policy, 263–264
- War material, U. S., sale to Baltic states, 182, 294, 298
- Banat, 6–7, 92, 96, 103, 277
- Bandholtz, Harry H.: Mission to Hungary, 389, 394, 417, 426, 435, 441, 442, 445, 680, 690; proposed appointment to Teschen plebiscite commission, 449
- Barber, John E., 556
- Barclay, Thomas, 267
- Barton, James L., 8, 27, 36, 66, 72, 79
- Baruch, Bernard M., 13, 14–15, 22, 23, 26–27, 240, 485, 506, 547, facing 550, 555, 565
- Bass, John F., 378
- Bassett, Earl, 168, 371, 385
- Bastille Day parade, preparations, 262–263, 270, 291–292, 292, 293, 294
- Bavaria, 88, 94
- Beer, George Louis, 17–18, 33, 34, 41, 58, 296, 301, 355, 543, facing 550, 551, 552, 556
- Bela Kun. See Hungary: Bolsheviks.
- Belgium:
- Commissions concerning: Belgian and Danish Affairs, Commission on, 418, 419, 524; frontier commission, 579; Treaties of 1839, Commission to Revise, 375
- Convention with Great Britain relating to German East Africa, U. S. attitude toward, 300–301
- Hearing of representatives by American Commission, 300–301, 433
- Propaganda, 268
- Reparation, attitude, 46, 51, 52
- Scheldt River, proposed internationalization, 413–414
- Treaties of 1839, proposed revision, and Belgian-Dutch negotiations, 288, 375, 393, 413–414, 433, 524, 534, 577, 652, 653, 664
- U. S. military base of supplies, proposed establishment at Antwerp, 11–12
- Wilson, President: Proposed landing at Antwerp and decision against, 85, 87, 89, 516, 518, 518–519, 523; report of visit to Brussels, June 18–19, 593–595
- Benson, W. S.: Duties, 4–5, 62, 65, 74, 146, 542, facing 550, 555, 564; protest against regulation affecting enlisted men in Hotel Crillon, and reply, 483–485, 488
- Berl, Eugene E., 119
- Berle, Adolf A., Jr., 236, 239, 244, 570, 575, 591–592
- Berlin and Brussels, revision of General Acts of (1885 and 1890), 474, 476, 534, 578
- Berry, George L., 527–529, 556; report of liaison work with labor delegation, 527–529
- Beryl, Mr., 436
- Bessarabia, 339–341, 365, 382–383, 406, 408, 444–445, 470, 664
- Black, William L., 498, 540, facing 550, 557
- Bliss, Howard L., 67, 76–77
- Bliss, Tasker H., 110, 256, 268, 503, 522, 538, facing 550, 553, 561, 607, 626, 683, 686
- Blockade: Adriatic, 438; Baltic, 418; Commission, Interallied, at Vienna, 353; Eastern Mediterranean, 136; Germany, 26, 48, 105, 106, 107–108, 108–109, 110; Hungary, 296, 313–314, 316, 348, 349, 353; Russia, 466; Turkey, 448
- Boardman, R. S., 128
- Boards (see also under United States: Departments and agencies), War Damages Board of American Commission, 19, 24, 240, 400–401
- Bohemia. See Czechoslovakia.
- Bohn, Frank, 4
- Bolivia, question of representation on commissions of Peace Conference, 531–532
- Bolsheviks (see also under Baltic states, Germany, Hungary, Roumania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine): Counteraction against, proposed, 137; deportation of L. A. Martens from United States, proposed, 234
- Bonsal, Stephen, 638
- Booth, E. G., 299
- Bowditch, E., Jr., 449
- Bowman, Isaiah, 99, 175–176, 444, 501–503, 524, 526, facing 550, 552, 556; suggestions for reorganization of American Commission, 501–503
- Brandeis, Louis D., 224
- Brashear, W. R., 540–541, facing 550, 557
- Brazil: Delegation to Peace Conference, proposed hearing by American Commissioners, 7; enemy shipping, question of disposition of, 586–587; representation on Economic Commission, 531
- Breck, Henry C., 555
- Briand, Aristide, 142–143
- Bristol, Mark, 40, 65, 114, 170, 174, 384, 388
- Brookings, Robert S., 160, 167
- Brown, Joseph Bailey, 324, 554
- Brown, Philip Marshall, 35, 166, 183
- Browning, W. S., 553, 626
- Bruce, James, 13, 68, 111, 114–115
- Brussels and Berlin, revision of General Acts of (1885 and 1890), 474, 476, 534, 578
- Bryant, M. C., 300
- Buckler, W. H., 39, 63–64, 67, 134, 256, 264, 266, 271–272, 454–455, 470, 607
- Budd, Arthur Dryhurst, 51, 130, 136
- Bukovina, 365, 368
- Bulgaria:
- Armistice, report of violations, 436
- Delegation, 95–96, 372, 389, 426
- Frontier questions: Dobrudja, 280, 405, 406, 407, 408, 470, 471, 478, 576, 664; Thrace, 279, 304, 331, 342–344, 361, 362, 365–366, 386, 392, 408–409, 425–426, 460, 469, 471, 576, 634, 662; Tzaribrod, Bulgarian protest against cession to Jugoslavia, 444
- Preliminary peace, question of, 513
- Roumanian troops in Dobrudja, Bulgarian protest against, 426
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Drafting, discussions concerning, 279–283, 297, 303–306, 324–325, 328, 329, 338–339, 361–363, 405–409, 410, 454, 457, 458, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 469, 470, 471, 478–479, 607, 609
- Language of, 462–463, 464
- League of Nations Covenant, question of inclusion, 304
- Modifications, question of, 652, 653
- Presentation of draft to interested countries, 420–421, 469–470, 470–471, 472
- Signature, arrangements concerning, 282–283, 297, 338–339, 426, 430, 460, 461, 462, 464, 467, 616, 618, 644, 656, 658, 677
- Terms, discussions: Aerial navigation, 306, 462; boundary and political (see also Frontier questions, supra), 279–280, 304–305, 361–363, 405, 406, 465, 469, 471; economic, 282, 306, 325, 405–406, 463, 465, 469; financial, 258, 282, 306, 466; labor, 306; League of Nations Covenant, 304; military, naval, and air, 280, 305, 325, 465; minorities, 282, 305, 325; ports, etc., 280–282, 306, 325, 328, 392, 465, 469; prisoners of war, 282, 305, 469, 471; religious enterprises, 163–164; reparation, 258, 282, 305–306, 458, 464, 466, 471; responsibility and penalties, 280, 305, 465
- U. S. participation in drafting and signature, question of, 265, 282–283, 297, 338–339, 343, 454, 460, 461, 462, 464, 467, 607, 609, 616, 618, 661, 670, 671, 672
- Bullitt, William C.: Attendance at International Socialist Conference at Berne, 70, 115–116; disapproval of German treaty, 572–574, 643, 645–646; duties with American Commission, 543, 554; mission to Russia, 70, 74, 125, 128–129, 148
- Bundy, W. A., 41–42
- Burden, Chester G., 257, 301, facing 550, 553
- Burkenshaw, Neil, 177–178
- Butler, W. H., 627
- Buxton, Noel, report on Hungarian-Roumanian conflict, 373–374
- Byars, W. S., 257
- Cables, German, 18, 33, 579
- Caldwell, J. L., 13, 42
- Callan, J. L., 159, 177
- Capeheart, Henry B., 237
- Capitulations, 68–69, 74, 283–284, 310–311, 465
- Carinthia, 59–60, 64, 74, 88, 122, 172, 188, 226, 227–228, 269, 285, 446, 464, 466
- Carlson, Fred A., 87, 324, 539, facing 550, 553
- Carter, A. F., 555
- Carty, John J., 499
- Central Territorial Committee, 141, 192, 229, 277, 280, 283, 304, 365–366, 371, 380, 406, 407, 524
- Chamberlain, Mr., 261
- Chapin, L. H. Paul, 301, 387, 398–399, 626
- Chapman, Percy A., 271
- Chenay, Arthur A., 247, 387, 540 facing 550, 553, 627
- Cheney, S. A., 680, 690
- Chesbrough, Ralph F., 41–42
- Childs, J. R., 542
- China:
- Enemy shipping, question of disposition of, 586–587
- Shantung and Kiaochow, German peace treaty provisions concerning transfer to Japan of German rights: Chinese refusal to sign treaty, 368–369, 601–602; discussions, general, 19, 21, 28, 79, 149–150, 167, 168–169, 179, 180, 225–226, 570, 572, 573, 574, 601–602; protests of members of American Commission, 570, 572, 573, 574
- Tientsin, Austrian concession, 302, 303
- Treaties and conventions concerning China: China-Germany (1898) respecting lease of Kiaochow, 226; China-Japan, possible secret agreements, 34; Japan-Entente (1917), regarding Japanese claims in Shantung and Pacific Islands, cited, 79
- Churchill, Marlborough, 64, 75, 122, 501,
- Churchill, Winston, 49, 67–68
- Circassian Republic, 5, 69
- Claims against Austria, 189; Germany, 30–31, 32, 122–123; Hungary, 189
- Clemenceau, Georges. See under France.
- Clerk, Sir George, 445, 447, 449, 478
- Close, Gilbert F., 552
- Coal situation, 103, 207–211, 260, 307, 316, 325, 337–338, 347, 349–350, 351, 413, 621, 623
- Cobb, Henry Ives, 57
- Cobbledick, L. N., 500, 546, facing 550, 557
- Coffin, William, 168
- Colt, F. S., 95
- Commercial treaties between United States and Central Powers, question of drafting new treaties, 88–89, 285–286; committee for drafting, 88–89
- Commission to Negotiate Peace, American:
- Associated bodies, 9, 485, 486, 544–547, 552–557, 557–567, 626–627
- Automobiles, purchase and use, 37, 41, 42, 173, 183, 230, 257, 258–259, 262, 268, 293, 328, 355, 371, 394, 442, 445, 499
- Commissioners Plenipotentiary (see
Bliss, Tasker H.; House, Edward M.; Lansing, Robert
L.; Polk, Frank L.; White, Henry; Wilson,
- Distinguished Service Medal, attitude of Commissioners toward proposed award of, 400, 417, 442
- Full powers, 324, 616–617, 618
- Hearing of representatives of Belgium, 300–301; Brazil, 7; Jewish Congress, 141; labor, 57, 69–71, 528–529; Roumania, 440–441; Russia, 69, 111–112, 389; Siam, 90–91; Syria, 66–67, 72, 76–77, 112; Ukraine, 248, 253–255
- Letters of appreciation, dispatch, 247, 291, 323, 379, 449
- Minutes of meetings, Jan. 31–Oct. 9, 1–448
- Procedure of meetings, 6
- Committees (see also Field missions, infra):
- Communications. See Communications.
- Courier service. See under Communications.
- Entertainment, 82, 90, 127, 138, 177, 232, 611
- Field missions: Bandholtz (Hungary), 389, 394, 417, 426, 435, 441, 442, 445, 680, 690; Barton-Howe (Syria), 8, 27, 35, 61, 63, 63–64, 66–67, 72, 79; Bullitt (Russia), 70, 74, 125, 128–129, 148; Coolidge (Austria), 17, 50, 54, 59–60, 64–65, 74, 88, 120, 134–135, 149, 166, 168, 187–188, 196, 315, 503, 536; Dresel (Berlin), 138, 146–147, 153, 167, 170, 171, 503, 536; Dyar (Berlin), 171, 196, 235, 247–248, 262, 295, 357; Field (Munich), 242; Gherardi(Berlin), 46–49, 79, 93; Greene (Baltic states), 112, 114, 119, 232, 256, 262, 263, 268, 271, 294, 295, 298–299, 327, 350–351, 356, 399–400, 536; Halstead (Austria), 228–229, 236, 239, 240, 295, 315, 325, 353, 357, 358, 377; Harbord (Armenia), 264, 312, 358, 359, 374, 377–378, 384, 386, 395, 447; King-Crane (Turkish territories), 133–134, 140, 141, 145–146, 155, 164, 165, 170, 177, 189, 193, 195, 258–259, 295, 327, 344, 355, 358, 359, 389–390, 432–433, 607; McKinstry (War Damages Board), 19, 24, 36, 240, 250, 400–401; Miles (Montenegro), 185, 274–275; Morgenthau (Poland), 195, 224, 232–233, 237, 243, 256, 257, 258, 266, 270, 289–290, 295, 295–296, 299–300, 378, 394; Riggs (Southern Russia), 137, 144, 162, [Page 710] 189–190, 193, 224–225, 226–227, 295, 357, 359, 503, 536; Summerall (inquiry on Fiume incidents), 273, 290, 295, 377, 379
- Files. See Materials and records, infra.
- Financial arrangements (see also Personnel: Salaries, infra): 7, 13, 14, 15, 26, 26–27, 28, 53–54, 67, 71–72, 74, 85, 87, 90, 96–97, 118, 120, 128, 137, 138, 139, 144, 146, 149, 153, 154, 168, 169, 170, 171, 176, 177, 177–178, 181, 182, 182–183, 183, 186, 188–189, 191–192, 195, 221, 223, 226, 231, 232, 236, 238, 239, 247, 257, 263, 267, 268, 273, 284, 290, 292, 293, 295, 311–312, 325–326, 327, 328, 329, 344, 351, 354, 355, 356, 357, 357–358, 358, 372–373, 378, 384, 386, 417, 435, 441–442
- Housing and office space:
- Coislin Hotel, 302
- Crillon Hotel: Administration of, 19, 272, 359–360, 483–485, 488, 497, 498, 540, 546, 560–561, 563–564; Bastille Day parade arrangements, 262–263, 270, 291–292; gratuities, 226, 290; termination of lease, 425, 437, 439–440, 558, 649, 658–659, 659, 686
- Quarters and privileges for members of Commission, 19, 57–58, 161–162, 251, 262–263, 267, 324, 386, 440, 444, 447, 497, 498
- Mail facilities. See Communications: Mail.
- Materials and records: Disposition of, 113, 161, 179, 183–184, 186, 191, 227, 258, 263, 323, 655–656, 657, 661, 667–669; explanation of numbering system for Conference minutes, 667–669; maps, 7, 183–184, 186, 191, 353, 552; printing, 74; requests for copies and access to, 245–246, 250, 266–267, 269, 374, 390, 400–401, 597
- Meetings (see also Minutes, infra), procedure, 6
- Minutes of meetings: Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Jan. 31–Oct. 9, 1–448; explanatory note, facing 1; Steering Committee, July 1–Sept. 4, 453–479; technical experts and Commissioners, 197–222, 273–288, 302–312, 329–344, 360–370, 379–384, 390–393, 395–398, 403–415, 417–424, 427–434
- Organization:
- Charts and memoranda, 501–503, 537–547, 550–551, 552–557, 557–567, 626–627
- Divisions and offices (see also Associated bodies and Commissioners Plenipotentiary, supra; Personnel: Army and Navy, infra): Administrative (executive) officer, 9, 272, 288, 291, 497, 502, 540, facing 550, 557, 562, 627; assignment, 557, 562; audit and purchase, 497, 498, 502, 540, facing 550, 557, 562; business manager, 498, 540, facing 550, 557, 562; ceremonial officer, 501, 538–539, facing 550, 554, 562; chief clerk, 627; codes, Army, 542; communications, 9, 539, facing 550, 562–563, 610, 626; Conference reports, 510, 511, facing 550; courier service, 389, 497, 499–500, 502, 543, 544, facing 550, 557, 565, 566; current diplomatic and political correspondence, 495–496, 501, 509–510, 536, 539, facing 550, 553–554, 562, 627; current intelligence summaries, 245, 502, 543, 554; diplomatic secretary, 495, 507, 538, facing 550, 553, 561–562, 626; disbursing officer, 538, facing 550, 553, 562, 610, 627; distribution, 502, 539, facing 550, 563, 610; executive secretary, 9, 272, 288, 495, 507, 538, facing 550, 553, 562, 610;field observer office, 502–503, 544–545, facing 550, 554, 566, 626; hotel manager, 272, 484, 497, 498, 502, 540, facing 550, 557, 562, 610, 627; indexes and files, 387, 502, 540, facing 550, 563, 610, 627; liaison, general, facing 550, 559, 562; liaison officer for labor, 527–529, 562; library, 246, 258, 323, 552; medical office, 387, 446, 541, facing 550, 554, 564, 610, 626; military information, 223, 538, facing 550, 554; military intelligence library, 554; military liaison, 501, 538, 559, 562; naval, 626; negative intelligence, 359, 387, 502, 542, facing 550, 554, 562, 565; personnel, 288, 497, 499, 501, 541, facing 550, 557, 564, 610; photography, 497, 498, 500, 541, facing 550, 557, 564, 610; post office and censor, 497, 500, 502, 546, facing 550, 557, 567, 610; press office, 244, 324, 326, 425, 435–436, 510, facing 550, 562; printing, 497, 499, facing 550, 557, 610; radio news service, 626; repair, maintenance, and building superintendency, 497, 498, 502, 540–541, facing [Page 711] 550, 557, 564, 610; reparation committee, 41, 128, 542, 565; Russian division, 256, 607; secretary general, 495, 507, 538, facing 550, 553, 561, 618–619, 626; secret service, 546; stenographic, 539, facing 550, 563; supplies, 497, 498, 499, 502, 541–542, facing 550, 557, 564, 610; technical advisers, 502, 505–507, 542, 545, 547, facing 550, 554–556, 564–565, 566–567, 627; telephones, 9, 497, 498–499, 502, 547, facing 550, 557, 567, 610; territorial, economic, and political intelligence, 485–486, 502, 543–544, facing 550, 551–552, 556, 565–566; translating, 289, 439, 502, 540, facing 550, 563, 610, 627; transportation, 387, 497, 499, 502, 547, facing 550, 557, 567, 610
- Parade on Bastille Day, arrangements, 262–263, 270, 291–292, 292, 293, 294
- Personnel:
- Admission to plenary sessions of Conference, question of, 167, 176
- Army and Navy personnel:
- General decisions concerning, 10–11, 13, 141, 146, 161–162, 181, 182, 192–193, 196, 231–232, 239, 242, 246–247, 249, 257, 258, 266, 272, 273, 289, 354, 357–358, 359–360, 376, 385, 449
- Services, 497–500, 501–502, 545–546, 547, 557–567; War Department bill, 53–54, 67, 71–72
- Use of corridors and elevators in Crillon Hotel, 483–485, 488
- Assignment to Commission, 4, 13, 14, 23, 26, 27, 33, 35, 36, 41–42, 50–51, 58, 62, 63, 65–66, 67, 68, 76, 88–89, 90, 95, 118, 119, 128, 132, 137, 138, 139, 145–146, 177–178, 193, 194, 195, 230, 236, 237, 240, 245, 267, 269, 271, 295, 297, 312, 326, 328, 344, 345, 359, 402, 444
- Award of Distinguished Service Medal, 400
- Committees concerning, 9, 12–13, 13, 14, 58, 258–259, 288–289, 294, 483, 493, 503, 559
- Holidays, 66, 190, 611
- Letters of appreciation, 247, 291, 323, 416, 449
- Navy personnel. See Army and Navy personnel, supra.
- Passports for families of members of Commission, 10–11, 192–193, 194, 247, 252, 273, 289, 345
- Reduction of staff, efforts toward (see also Separations, infra), 4, 8–9, 12–13, 58, 284, 425, 483, 501–503, 551–552, 559
- Return to United States of members of staff, arrangements, 98, 178, 183, 185–186, 189, 192, 351, 354, 389–390, 656, 658, 659, 660, 661, 665, 666, 669, 673, 678, 679, 685, 688, 689
- Salaries and subsistence allowances, 7, 13, 15, 19, 21, 24, 37, 51, 61, 80, 126, 128, 135–136, 138, 140, 148, 159, 160, 170, 175, 177, 178, 181, 193, 195, 224, 230, 240, 242, 252, 262, 267, 269, 289, 324, 353, 385, 398, 399, 416, 551
- Separations: General, 87, 175–176, 184, 185, 186, 186–187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 223, 224, 228, 233, 234, 235–236, 239, 240–241, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 256–257, 263, 269, 269–270, 271, 272, 289, 292, 293, 296, 301, 323, 324, 326, 328, 345, 351, 356, 359, 372, 379, 389, 399, 401–402, 435, 439, 442, 443, 444, 446, 527–528; resignations arising from disapproval of German treaty and U. S. Russian policy, 179, 196, 235–236, 569–575, 591–592, 645–646
- Photographs and portraits, 33, 66, 79, 82, 97, 120–121, 184, 241, 246
- Placque, commemorative, 402
- Press relations. See Press: American.
- Records. See Materials and records, supra.
- Secretaries, American, of Conference commissions:
- Steering Committee. See under Committees, supra.
- Strategy, arrangements for analysis of, 504
- Telephone and telegraph facilities. See under Communications.
- Termination of Commission, and departure from Paris, Dec. 9:
- British attitude, and U. S. reply, 686–687
- Consideration of, and arrangements for departure, 425, 650, 652–653, 655–656, 657–659, 660–661, 669–673, 679–680, 687–688, 695, 700
- French efforts to delay departure, and U. S. attitude, 673–674, 677–678, 680, 680–683, 685, 691, 691–692, 693–694
- Message of felicitation from Secretary Lansing to—
- Transfer of unfinished business to Department of State and Ambassador Wallace at Paris, 657, 658, 660, 664–665, 678, 679–680, 688–689, 691, 692, 693, 694–698, 699–700
- Commissions and committees of Peace Conference (see also
Commission to Negotiate Peace
- Aeronautical Commission, 36, 42, 159, 174–175, 177, 285, 301, 307, 326, 328, 361
- Albanian Affairs, Commission on Greek and, 86, 91, 251–252, 275, 304, 344, 524, 525
- Armistice Commission at Spa, Permanent, 54, 57, 67, 96, 104–108, 114, 505, 506
- Arms and Ammunition, Commission for Revision of Convention Relative to Commerce of, 233, 296
- Art, transfer of works of, proposed international commission, 223
- Austria, commissions concerning. See under Austria.
- Baltic states, commissions concerning. See under Baltic states.
- Belgian and Danish Affairs, Commission on, 418, 419, 524
- Blockade Commission at Vienna, Interallied, 353
- Central Territorial Committee, 141, 192, 229, 277, 280, 283, 304, 365–366, 371, 380, 406, 407, 524
- Coal Committee of Supreme Economic Council, 307, 337, 449
- Colonial Mandates, Commission on, 284, 300, 301, 355, 617, 638, 639, 642, 648
- Control commissions, 266, 285, 307–308, 374–375, 455, 581
- Czechoslovakia, commissions concerning. See under Czechoslovakia.
- Danube River commissions, 281, 313–314, 534, 582–583
- Drafting Committee, 275, 276, 277, 302, 361–362, 380, 391–392, 405, 419–420, 428, 434, 456, 457, 458, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 469, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478–479, 617
- Economic commissions. See under Economic questions.
- Editing Committee (to coordinate replies to Austrian notes), 372, 375, 380, 391, 392
- Execution of Treaty With Germany, Commission on, 252, 309, 390, 399, 401, 459
- Financial Commission, 86, 91–92, 95, 120, 127, 505, 524, 531–532
- Fiume Incidents, Commission of Inquiry on (Summerall Mission), 273, 290, 295, 377, 379; Italian attitude toward findings, 396
- Geographical Committee, 175, 385, 394, 399
- Germany, commissions concerning. See under Germany.
- Graves, Commission on, 581
- Greek and Albanian Affairs, Commission on, 86, 91, 251–252, 275, 304, 344, 524, 525
- Hungary, commissions concerning. See under Hungary.
- Jugoslavia, commissions concerning. See under Jugoslavia.
- Laibach, Commission on Issues of, 123
- Labor, commissions concerning. See under Labor.
- League of Nations, commissions concerning. See under League of Nations.
- Liquidation Commission, American, 158, 243, 294, 298, 375–376
- Mandates, Colonial, Commission on, 284, 300, 301, 355, 617, 638, 639, 642
- Materials of War Which May Be Demanded From Germany, Committee on Specification of, 24–25
- Membership, American, of various committees under peace treaty, committee for suggestion of, 259
- Military and Naval Committee, Interallied, 63, 80
- Minorities, Committee on Protection of. See New States, infra.
- New States, Committee on (Committee on Protection of Minorities), 279, 285, 305, 325, 339, 340, 372, 393
- Plebiscite commissions: List of commissions to be appointed under German treaty, 580–581; U. S. attitude toward participation in, 672, 673, 679
- Poland, commissions concerning. See under Poland.
- Political Clauses (Austrian treaty), Commission on, 341–342, 362–363, 363–364, 380, 477–478
- Ports, waterways, and railways, commissions concerning. See under Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Prisoners of war, commissions concerning. See under Prisoners of war.
- Reparation, commissions concerning. See under Reparation.
- Responsibility of Authors of the War and Enforcement of Penalties, Commission on, 6, 12, 92, 93–94, 465, 524, 537, 542
- Rhine, commissions concerning. See Rhineland: Commissions and Rhine River: Central Rhine Commission under Germany.
- Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, Commission on, 251–252, 275, 280, 331, 467, 524
- Saar Basin, commissions concerning, 580, 581
- Schleswig commissions, 250, 259, 265, 300, 580–581
- Silesia, commissions concerning: Coal distribution committee, 260, 307, 337, 349; plebiscite commission, 307–308
- Smyrna, Commission on Issues of, 384
- Spitzbergen, Commission on, 334
- Steering Committee of American Commission. See under Commission to Negotiate Peace: Committees.
- Teschen, commissions concerning: Interallied Teschen Commission, 16–17, 123, 141, 145, 263, 268, 286, 295, 326, 351, 392, 449; plebiscite commission, 307, 673, 679, 690
- Tientsin, commission on, 303
- Treaties of 1839, Commission To Revise, 375
- Turkey, commissions concerning. See Turkish territories: Commissions.
- War material, commissions concerning. See under War material.
- Communications:
- Courier service, 167, 173, 224, 248, 387, 389, 402, 493, 499–500, 543, 544, 565, 566
- Mail: Department of State and Paris, 488–489, 491–492, 492–493, 494, 517–518; facilities for American Commission, 500, 546, 567
- Radio communication, 146
- Telephone, telegraph, and wireless: Committee on Public Information, 14, 174, 228, 233, 244–245, 267, 273, 325–326, 328–329, 372–373, 589–590, 617–618, 619–620, 624, 625, 631; facilities for American Commission, 248, 311, 489–499, 539, 547, 562–563; French-U. S. relations regarding, 64–65, 388, 619–620, 624, 632; international conference, proposed, 579; Manila and Shanghai, 375; press facilities, 87, 98, 402, 589, 620, 624, 628, 631, 636; U. S. operation within Europe, 311, 375, 388, 394; Washington and Versailles, 245
- Condon, R. E., 125, 291, 399, 442, 512, 552, 626
- Conferences:
- Aerial Navigation, International Conference for Adoption of Rules of, proposed, 5, 36
- Prince’s Island (Prinkipo) Conference. See under Russia.
- Social hygiene questions in devastated areas, proposed conference, 137
- Socialist Conference in Berne, 4, 69, 70, 115–116, 528–529
- Telecommunication conference, proposed, 579
- Connor, W. D., 410, 666, 669
- Constantinople. See under Turkish territories.
- Consular treaty, U. S.–Germany, question of renewal, 285, 286
- Control commissions, 266, 285, 307–308, 374–375, 455, 581
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Cook, Herman J., 505, 555
- Coolidge, Archibald C.:
- Mission to Austria, 17, 50, 54, 59–60, 64–65, 74, 88, 120, 134–135, 149, 166, 168, 187–188, 196, 315, 503, 536; activities in connection with Carinthian boundary dispute, 10, 59–60, 74, 88, 122, 226, 227–228
- Proposals and decisions concerning, 189, 229, 231, 233, 244, 248, 251–252, 265–266, 272, 327, 377, 453–454, 454–455
- Coolidge, Marcus A., 16, 263, 271
- Councils of Peace Conference:
- Ambassadors, Committee of, 653–654, 659–660, 664–665, 673
- Five, Council of. See Foreign Ministers and Heads of Delegations, infra.
- Foreign Ministers, Council of, 163, 191, 236, 250, 266–267, 286–287, 667
- Four, Council of:
- Heads of Delegations, Council of:
- Action by, 263, 271, 273, 306, 324–325, 327, 331, 333, 349, 420–421, 424–425, 425–426, 428–429, 433, 653
- Adjournment, question of, 642–643, 644, 644–645, 646–647, 648, 650, 670–671, 672, 673, 677, 680–682
- Minutes: Distribution of, 397, 657, 669; method of designation, 668, 668–669
- U. S. representation, withdrawal, and appointment of U. S. Ambassador in France as observer, 650, 652, 665, 670–671, 672, 673, 677, 678, 679–689, 690, 691–692, 693–698, 699–700
- Maritime Council, Allied, 117
- Supreme Economic Council, 26, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 167, 329–331, 352, 400, 420, 506, 656; coal committee, 307, 337, 349
- Supreme War Council, 9, 57, 67, 99, 100, 102, 105, 107, 108, 110, 506, 512, 538, 567, 662
- Ten, Council of:
- Courier service, 167, 173, 224, 248, 387, 389, 402, 493, 499–500, 543, 544, 565, 566
- Crane, Charles R. See King-Crane Commission.
- Creel, George, 14, 17, 34, 589, 590
- Crillon Hotel. See under Commission to Negotiate Peace: Housing.
- Crocker, Henry G., 442, 555, 627
- Crosby, Oscar T., 62, 63, 113, 151
- Crouse, Russell C., 245
- Cuba, 138, 586–587
- Cumberland, William W., 486
- Czechoslovakia (see also
Food relief: Central European
New states):
- Coal supplies, 307, 337, 349, 392, 413
- Commissions concerning:
- Danube shipping, question of Czechoslovak control, 130–131, 143
- Frontier questions with—
- Loan, request for, 35–36
- Minorities, protection of, 87; treaty for, 285, 393, 479, 585–586
- Tribute to President Wilson, and reply, 607–608, 615
- Troops in Russia, 284, 331–332, 354, 355
- U. S. diplomatic agent, question of dispatch to, 39, 63
- War materials (U. S.), proposed sale to, 158
- Dalmatia. See Italy: Territorial questions: Fiume and Dalmatia.
- Danube River. See under Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Danzig:
- Food supplies, 413
- Frontier commission, 580
- High commissioner, 582
- Polish special mission to, 268
- Status, question of, 157, 217, 219, 410–412
- Transit by Polish troops en route from France to Poland, proposed, 112, 117, 142
- Treaty with Poland, drafting of: Necessity for expediting, 410–412; question of participation of United States, 411–412
- U. S. consular officer, question of appointment, 449
- Davis, Norman H., 13, 14–15, 22, 91–92, 120, 240, 252, 485, 505, 506, 545, facing 550, 555, 565
- Davison, Henry P., 76, 345–346
- Dawley, E. J., 299, 327, 356, 399–400
- Day, Clive, 185–186, 234, 239, 252, 265 453–454, 454–455, 470, 524, 525, 543, facing 550, 551, 552, 556
- Day, Franklin, 49, 93, 114
- Day, Wallace H., 252
- Deitch, John Thurman, 191
- Demobilization. See under U. S. and Allied troops.
- Dempsey, Ernest C., 23
- Dempsey, John B., 23
- Denmark (see also Schleswig): Activities of Danish Red Cross, 62, 154; Commission on Belgian and Danish Affairs, 418, 419, 524
- Denton, Frances B., 257, 552, 638
- Deportation of L. A. Martens from United States, proposed, 234
- Devastated regions:
- Devereux, Alvin, 263
- Dillon, T. H., 289, 385, 394
- Diplomatic and consular officers. See under United States.
- Disarmament (see also under Germany): Austria, 461, 475; New states, 475
- Distinguished Service Medal, proposed award, 400, 417, 442
- Dixon, Roland B., 544, facing 550
- Dobrudja, 280, 281, 405, 406, 407, 408, 426, 470, 471, 478, 576, 577, 664
- Dodecanese Islands. See Turkish territories: Asia Minor.
- Dolbeare, Frederic R., 49–50, 554
- Dominian, Leon, 13, 27, 35, 42, 64, 72, 99, 146, 266, 324, 554
- Doniat, F. A., 353
- Drafting Committee, 275, 276, 277, 302, 361–362, 380, 391, 392, 405, 419–420, 428, 434, 456, 457, 458, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 469, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478–479, 617
- Dresel, E. L.: Duties, 266, 268, 385, 496, 509–510, 539, facing 550, 553, 627; mission to Germany, 138, 146–147, 153, 167, 170, 171, 503, 536; salary, 399
- DuBois, Arthur Wood, 123, 239, 690
- DuBose, George P., 192–193, 498, 540, facing 550, 557, 627
- Duff, Chaplain, 344–345
- Dulles, Allen W., 194, 292, 294, 372, 416, 459, 496, 554, 610, 626, 627
- Dulles, John Foster, 194, 252, 258, 266, 274, 356, 377, 385, 485, 486, 542, 555, 606; report concerning Roumanian share of reparations, 387–388
- Duncan, C. S., 556
- Duncan, James, 71
- Durand, E. Dana, 314
- Dyar, Charles B., mission to Germany, 171, 196, 235, 247–248, 262, 295, 357
- Dyes, German, 33
- Economic questions:
- Clearing offices, establishment of. 582
- Commissions and committees: Economic Commission, 91–92, 127, 136, 282, 283, 465, 524, 531–532; Economic Drafting Commission, 86; permanent economic drafting committee, proposed, 86
- Economic clauses of peace treaties, discussions: Austrian, 367; Bulgarian, 282, 306, 325, 405–406, 463, 465, 469; German, 221–222, 285–286, 535, 582; Hungarian, 277, 278, 473; Turkish, 283–284, 310–311
- Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, establishment of, 582
- Property, rights, and interests, 585
- Supreme Economic Council, 26, 101, 102, 108, 109, 110, 167, 329–331, 352, 400, 420, 506, 656; coal committee, 307, 337, 349
- Ecuador, question of representation on commissions of Peace Conference, 531–532
- Edelman, Samuel, 236
- Editing Committee (to coordinate replies to Austrian notes), 372, 375, 380, 391, 392
- Elkus, Abram I., 118
- Embick, Stanley Dunbar, 375, 553, 626
- Emery, Mr., 372–373, 631
- English, M. J., 555
- Esthonia. See Baltic states.
- Ethiopia, 15
- Ewell, J. E., 555
- Expatriation, principle of, 492
- Extradition treaty, U. S.–Germany, question of renewal, 285–286
- Extraterritoriality in Siam, U. S. attitude toward relinquishment of, 23
- Farabee, William C., facing 550
- Feisal, Emir, 325, 328, 427, 612
- Fenstermacher, Harvey, 399
- Ferreira, A. V., 269–270, 292
- Field, H. H., 242
- Financial questions (see also
Commission to Negotiate Peace: Financial arrangements):
- Financial clauses of peace treaties, discussions: Austrian, 258, 302, 453, 456; Bulgarian, 258, 282, 306, 466; German, 221–222; Hungarian, 258, 278–279, 363, 428, 429, 431, 473, 474; Turkish, 258, 423–424, 577
- Financial Commission, 86, 91–92, 95, 120, 127, 505, 524, 531–532
- Financial section of League of Nations, proposed, 89
- Financial situation of—
- U. S.–European financial arrangements, 347–348
- Finland: Aaland Islands, question of assignment to Finland, 578; Commission on Baltic Affairs, consideration of Finnish questions, 147; food and economic assistance, 82, 126, 241; frontiers, 327, 382, 383, 578; [Page 716] Japanese activities, 355; recognition, 82, 87, 112, 255; war materials, U. S., proposed sale to, 182
- Fiume. See under Italy: Territorial questions.
- Five, Council of. See Foreign Ministers and Heads of Delegations under Councils.
- Foch, Marshal. See under France.
- Food relief:
- Armenia, 79, 171–172, 264, 270
- Baltic states, 79, 126, 435
- Central European states (formerly Austria-Hungary):
- Finland, 82, 126, 241
- Germany. See under Germany.
- Hoover reports on general situation, 59, 61, 64, 77–79, 100–104, 259–260, 264, 332
- Poland, 78–79, 126
- Publicity for work of Relief Commission, decision in favor of, 150–151
- Russia, 126–127, 148, 154, 158, 332
- Forbes, C. S., 554
- Ford, Marjorie, 230
- Foreign Ministers, Council of, 163, 191, 236, 250, 266–267, 286–287, 667
- Fosdick, Raymond B., 390
- Foster, Reginald C., 111, 117–118, 132, 249, 258, 357
- Four, Council of. See Councils: Four.
- Fourteen points, cited, 29, 30, 31, 76, 122, 205
- France (see also
Devastated regions
Press: French):
- Aggression, U. S. and British guarantee in the event of, 124–125, 126, 130, 133, 600
- Albania, French desire for protectorate, 55
- Army:
- Briand, Aristide, 142–143
- Clemenceau: Attitude with respect to various matters, 25, 94, 105, 512–513, 521, 550; shooting of, 67, 69, 511, 512, 513
- Coal situation, 347
- Communications, U. S.–French relations concerning, 64–65, 388, 619–620, 624, 632
- Entertainment for American Commission, 82
- Financial situation, 347, 516–517, 518
- Foch, Marshal:
- German attack on France, rumor of plot, 434–435
- Germany, French attitude toward dye and chemical works, 33, 166; toward food relief, 94, 104–105, 109, 521
- Italy, relations with, 34, 55, 273
- Labor situation, 348
- League of Nations, proposals concerning, 89, 124–125
- Mandate for Constantinople, proposed, 262, 675; for Syria, 577
- Passport visas, French attitude, 5, 37, 50, 131
- Political conditions, 142–143
- Prisoners of war in France: German, 348, 410; Russian, 192
- Reparation, views on, 46, 52, 73, 94, 199, 202, 202–203, 211, 214, 284, 511, 586, 587
- Rhine, French claims regarding rights on river, 91; on left bank, 517
- Ships, French claims regarding, 284, 396, 586–587
- Treaties with Great Britian and United States regarding assistance in event of German aggression against France, 124–125, 126, 130, 133, 600
- United States, relations with, 21, 26, 37, 64–65, 74, 92, 103, 105, 124–125, 126, 130, 133, 388, 600, 619–620, 623, 624, 673–674, 677–678, 698; French efforts to postpone departure of American Commission from Paris, 673–674, 677–678, 680, 680–686, 687–689, 691–692, 693–695
- War costs, attitude, 36–37, 89
- Wilson, President: French attitude toward, 21, 92, 526–527; text of statement upon leaving France, 605
- Francis, David R., 86
- Frary, Donald Page, 154
- Frazier, Arthur Hugh, 257, 552, 626
- Freedom of the seas, 623
- Fremont, J. C., 555, 556
- Fuller, Joseph V., 571, 575n
- Gaddis, Hugh L., 118
- Gade, John, 262
- Gale, Hoyt S., 237–238
- Galicia: Decisions concerning, 286–287, 380–381, 396–397, 433–434, 577, 658; efforts to halt Polish-Ukrainian hostilities in, 28, 117, 130, 142, 148, 151, 153, 162, 167, 253; treaty between Poland and Allied and Associated Powers concerning, proposed, 286–287, 380–381, 396–397, 433–434
- Garfield, James, 552
- Garver, Milton, 357, 379
- Gay, Edwin F., 89
- Geographical Committee, 175, 385, 394, 399
- Geographical Society, American, 7
- Geological Survey: Assignment of personnel to American Commission, 14; investigation of potash deposits in Germany, 237–238
- George, R. H., 293
- Georgian Republic, 5, 225, 384
- Germany:
- Armistice: Agreements, cited, 106, 106–107, 107, 512; certified copy, proposed request for, 477; economic negotiations at Luxemburg, Dec. 23–25, 1918, 204; publicity concerning negotiations, 476–477; terms of renewal, discussion, 38, 80–81
- Attack on France, rumored plot, 434–435
- Austria, question of union with, 87–88, 90, 513
- Blockade, 26/48, 105, 106, 107–108, 110
- Bolsheviks, relations with, 47, 89–90, 118, 151
- Cables, question of final disposition, 18, 33, 579
- Citizens in—
- Claims, U. S., 30–31, 32, 122–123
- Coal situation, 207–211, 260, 349–350
- Commercial affairs: British Chamber of Commerce, proposed establishment of office at Cologne, 237; dye and chemical industries, investigation by British, French, and U. S. representatives, 33, 56–57, 161, 163, 166, 385; oil, reported British contract to supply, 444; potash deposits, investigation by U. S. Geological Survey, 237–238; U. S. businessmen, facilities for entry into Germany, 231, 443–444
- Commissions and committees concerning. See Missions; Prisoners of War: Committee; Rhineland: Commissions; Rhine River: Central Rhine Commission; and Treaty of peace: Commissions, infra.
- Diplomatic relations with Allies, question of resumption, 662
- Disarmament (see also Treaty: Terms: Disarmament, infra), 38, 95
- Food relief:
- Blockade, effect on, 105, 106, 107–108, 108–109, 110
- French attitude, 94, 104–105, 109, 521
- General discussions, 165–166, 521
- Merchant fleet, agreement for surrender to Allies, and financial arrangements: Financial questions, 104–105, 105, 107, 108, 109–110; German attitude and break-down of negotiations at Spa, 104–110; U. S. proposals, 105, 108–110
- Payment for, proposal with respect to transport of Haller’s army, 142
- Supply by way of Hamburg, 96
- U. S. citizens in Germany, 149
- Frontier and territorial questions (see also Treaty: Terms: Boundaries, infra), eastern frontier with Poland, 159, 198, 202, 205–211, 217, 218–219, 221, 260, 307–308, 350, 413, 415; question of U. S. or Allied occupation, 207, 413, 415
- Kaiser. See Wilhelm II, infra.
- League of Nations, question of admission of Germany, 123, 198, 203, 213–214, 215, 217, 219–220, 535
- Merchant fleet (see also under Food relief, supra), 444, 448
- Missions (U. S.) to Germany (see also Commissions, supra): Decisions by Commissioners with respect to, 132, 182, 536; Dresel, 138, 146–147, 153, 167, 170, 171, 503, 536; Dyar, 171, 196, 235, 247–248, 262, 295, 357; Gherardi, 46–49, 79, 93
- Political conditions, 46–48, 96, 444, 521, 676, 681
- Preliminary peace: Discussions concerning, 46, 80–82, 121, 513–514, 519, 533, 547–548; proposed subjects to be dealt with, 504–505, 548
- Press, U. S., in Germany: Facilities for, 87, 98; question of supervision over, 118, 127–128
- Prisoners of war:
- Agreement, U. S.–Germany (1918), cited, 230
- Committees: Repatriation of Austrian, German, and Hungarian Prisoners of War in Siberia, [Page 718] 332–333; Repatriation of Prisoners of War (German), 410, 581
- Esthonian, in Germany, 152
- German, in France, 348, 410; in Russia, 332–333, 441; in Silesia, 415; in United States, 230, 400
- Russian, in Germany, 48, 129, 140, 149, 154, 183
- Propaganda in U. S. army of occupation, 52–53
- Property in United States, question of disposition of, 30–31, 32, 585
- Reparation. See Reparation: German.
- Rhineland:
- Allied occupation as guarantee of execution of German peace treaty, 100, 198, 202, 211–216, 217, 219–220, 284; question of Germans convicted of crimes in American zone, 441–442
- Coercive measures to force German signature of protocol regarding Scapa Flow incident, 692, 695–696, 699–700
- Commissions: Interallied Rhineland Commission, 160, 167, 169, 171, 251, 252, 289, 290–291, 293, 295, 357, 385, 690; Interallied Rhineland High Commission established by Rhineland convention, 351, 678–679, 690
- Rhineland convention, 351, 462, 463, 600
- Rhinish Republic, question of establishment, 512–513, 513
- Rhine River: Central Rhine Commission, 111, 218, 583; French claims, 91
- Scapa Flow incident, 285, 391, 677, 692, 695–696, 699–700
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also Food relief: Merchant fleet agreement, supra, and Treaty of peace, infra): Commercial treaties with United States, question of negotiating, 88–89, 285–286; Kiaochow lease convention with China, 226; prisoner of war agreement with United States, 230; secret treaty with Japan and Russia, alleged, 169
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers
(see also
Preliminary peace, supra):
- Boundary map, publication, 353
- Commissions and committees concerning: Committee to coordinate interpretation and execution of treaty clauses (Committee of Ambassadors), 653–654, 659–660, 664–665, 673; control commissions, 266, 285, 307–308, 374–375, 455, 581; Execution of Clauses of Treaty with Germany, Committee on, 252, 309, 390, 399, 401, 459; list of commissions to be appointed under treaty, 579–584; Materials of War Which May Be Demanded from Germany, Committee on Specification of, 24–25; Military and Naval Committee, Interallied, 63, 80; U. S. participation in, question of, 266, 294, 307–310, 311–312, 374–375, 399, 401, 455, 653–654, 659–660, 664–665
- Counterproposals, German, consideration of, 190, 198–222, 235, 587–588
- Disapproval of terms by certain members of American Commission, 179, 196, 568–569, 569–575, 643, 645–646; effect on German public opinion, 196
- Delays in work on treaty, complaints concerning and efforts to remedy, 487, 507, 511, 512
- Draft outline of treaty, 532–535
- Drafting of treaty, 113, 131, 514, 532–535, 549–550
- German delegation, 289
- Language, official, 113, 150; proposal to check German edition, 463, 468
- League of Nations Covenant, question of inclusion in text, 73, 99–100, 113, 121
- Publication, 160, 592–593
- Ratification, questions concerning (see also United States: Senate: German peace treaty), 121, 327, 431–432, 463, 656, 664, 674, 682, 683, 685, 686, 688, 689, 692, 693–694, 699–700
- Separate treaty, possible signature by Latin American countries, 531; by United States, 130, 680
- Signature: China, refusal to sign, 368–369, 601–602; description of ceremony, 597–604; felicitations concerning, 605–606, 608–609, 612; preparations for, 245, 246; statement by President Wilson on signature, 604–605
- Summary, preparation of, 160
- Terms, consideration of (see also
League of Nations: Covenant
Reparation: German):
- Boundaries and political clauses for Europe (see also Frontier, supra):
- Financial and economic clauses, 221–222, 285–286, 535, 582
- Guarantees. See Rhineland, supra.
- Labor, 240, 584
- Mandates, general clause proposed, 165
- Military, naval, and air, 4–5, 24–25, 63, 80–81, 88, 98, 99–100, 131, 213, 217–218, 512, 535, 581
- New states, recognition of, 534
- Ports, waterways and railways: Commissions provided by treaty, 582–584; Danube, 250, 534; draft outline of questions to be settled, 534; Kehl Harbor, 218; Kiel Canal, 110–111, 121–122, 534, 583; Rhine, 91, 534, 583
- Possessions and interests of Germany outside Europe (see also China: Shantung): Draft outline of questions to be settled, 534; German East Africa, 300–301
- Religious enterprises, proposed guarantees, 163–164
- Responsibility for the war and penalties, 92, 93–94, 169, 535, 662
- Rhine. See Rhineland and Rhine River, supra.
- War, termination of state of, 532, 533
- Troops in Baltic states, question of passage by sea to Libau, 89–90
- Ultimatums, Allied, effect in Germany, 444
- Union with Austria, question of, 87–88, 90, 513
- U. S. citizens in Germany, food relief by American Red Cross, 149
- U. S. consular officers, proposed dispatch to occupied Germany, 443
- Wilhelm II, former Kaiser: Publicity regarding abdication, 477; question of guilt and trial, 92, 93, 94, 114, 662; tribunal for trial of, 581
- Gersbach, C. J., 246–247
- Gherardi, Walter R., mission to Germany, 46–49, 79, 93
- Gibson, Hugh, 39, 63
- Gilbert, Ellie Normant, 294
- Gilchrist, Donald B., 246, 258, 323
- Gilchrist, Huntington, 75
- Gini, Alfred, 540, facing 550, 557
- Godson, William E. H., 441
- Gompers, Samuel, 37, 41, 56, 57, 69–71, 115–116, 126, 135–136, 240, 527, 528, 529, facing 550, 556
- Goodyear, A. G., 307, 337, 349, 351, 415, 433
- Gordon, George, 299, 345, 436, 626
- Gorfinkle, B. L., 328
- Gorrell, E. S., 326, 328
- Grant, U. S., III, 177, 289, 379, 553, 561, 626
- Grant-Smith, Ulysses, 259
- Graves, Commission on, 581
- Gray, Louis H., 241, 401, 627
- Grayson, Cary T., 552, 649, 651
- Great Britain:
- Arabia, expedition under T. E. Lawrence, 123
- Baltic states, military mission to (Gough’s), 232, 298–299, 418
- Churchill, Winston, 49, 67–68
- Clerk, Sir George, 445, 447, 449, 478
- Commercial affairs with Germany: Establishment of British Chamber of Commerce at Cologne, proposed, 237; investigation of German chemical works, 166; reported contract to supply Germany with oil, 444; reported interest in German dye industry, 33
- Convention with—
- Belgium, relating to German East Africa, U. S. attitude, 300–301
- France, in event of aggression. See France: Aggression.
- Grey, Viscount, appointment as special envoy to United States, 621–622, 630–631, 632–633, 634, 635, 636, 640–641
- Hungary, attitude of British military representative, 65
- Irish question, 234, 242, 621–622, 630–631, 676
- Labor situation, 621
- Lloyd George, David: Aid in French financial crisis, 517; arrangements to be in Paris, 516, 518, 518–519, 521, 529–530
- Mandates, question of: Armenia and Mesopotamia, 261, 576, 675; Palestine, 577
- Naval construction, policy concerning, 621, 622–623, 630–631, 676
- Political conditions, 53, 632–633
- Prince of Wales, visit to United States, 676
- Reparation, views on, 29, 31, 45–46, 52, 94, 199, 200, 202, 205, 216, 222, 586, 587
- Russia, policy toward, 5–6, 9–10, 67–68, 84, 97–98, 118, 331, 332, 403, 404, 675
- Termination of Conference, interest in, 469, 635, 642–643, 644, 644–645, 646–647, 686–687; departure of American Commission, British interest in postponement, 686–687
- U. S.–British relations, memoranda concerning, 620–623, 630–631, 632–633, 640–641, 675–677
- Greece:
- Commission on Greek and Albanian Affairs, 86, 91, 251–252, 275, 304, 344, 524, 525; dissenting views of U. S. representatives, 91, 525
- Interchange of peoples with Bulgaria, proposed, 362, 405
- Macedonian National Committee, 395
- Minorities, proposed treaty for protection of, 285, 585–586
- Occupation by Greek troops of Albania, Albanian protest concerning possibility, 425; of Turkish territories, 447–448; of Western Thrace, proposed, 425–426
- Territorial claims, 56, 91, 116, 193, 304, 331, 344, 365–366, 405, 408–409, 576, 577; U. S. views regarding, 91, 525
- Tribute to President Wilson, and reply, 607–608
- Unredeemed Hellenes, message to American Commission, 272
- Greene, Jerome D., 41, 51, 58, 128, 542
- Greene, T. C., 295
- Greene, Warwick, 233, 237, 417, 449, 607; mission to Baltic provinces, 112, 114, 119, 232, 256, 262, 263, 268, 271, 294, 295, 327, 350–351
- Grew, Joseph Clark, 266, 468, 495, 507, 538, facing 550, 553, 561, 610, 618, 626
- Grey, Viscount, 621–622, 630–631, 632–633, 634, 635, 636, 640–641
- Groth, Catherine D., 160, 353
- Guatemala, representation at Peace Conference, 19
- Gunbeck, W. S., 299
- Hale, Robert, 351
- Haller’s army, 112, 17, 142, 167, 181, 182
- Halstead, Albert, mission to Austria, 228–229, 236, 239, 240, 295, 315, 325, 353, 357, 358, 377
- Hanks, Stedman, 269
- Harbord, James G., American military mission to Armenia, 264, 312, 358, 359, 374, 377–378, 384, 386, 395, 447
- Harries, Gen., 132, 247–248
- Harris, George H., 445, 553
- Harris, Hayden B., 127, 132, 505, 555
- Harrison, Leland, 266, 495, 507, 538, facing 550, 553, 626, 660
- Hart, A. L., 499, 547, facing 550, 557
- Hart, John, 555
- Harvard University Library, loan of books to American Commission, 323
- Haskins, Charles H., 192, 229, 544, facing 550, 551, 552, 556
- Heck, Lewis, 40, 168, 170
- Hedjaz, Emir Feisal of, 325, 328, 427, 612
- Heligoland, 217, 533
- Helms, Birch, 538
- Henderson, Alexander I., 132
- Herron, George D., 26, 27, 35, 42, 87, 195, 395
- Hershey, Amos S., 196, 555
- Herter, Christian A., 244, 552
- Hildt, J. C., 538, facing 550, 554
- Holland. See Netherlands.
- Hoover, Herbert: Duties and activities, 18, 58, 150–151, 325, 485, 506, facing 550, 556, 623; reports, 59, 61, 64, 77–79, 100–104, 259–262, 264, 307, 311, 330–331, 332, 337–338, 347–350
- Hornbeck, Stanley K., 256, 296, 355, 387, facing 550, 551, 552, 556, 607
- House, E. M.:
- Austrian treaty, question of signature, 617
- Efforts on behalf of French financial situation, 516–517, 518
- Fiume question, views on, 154–155, 156–157
- Mandate commission, work on, 300, 355, 617, 638, 639, 642, 648
- Memoranda for President Wilson: British–U. S. relations, 620–623, 630–631, 632–633, 640–641; questions to be settled after disposition of German and Austrian treaties, 575–587, 647; suggestions for President’s speeches, 487–488, 509; tour of United States by President, 637–638
- Resumption of duties as Commissioner, Sept. 14, 636, 638, 639, 640, 641–642, 643
- Return to United States, question of date, 633, 635, 636, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 644, 648, 648–649, 651
- Signing of Austrian and Bulgarian treaties, question of, 304, 464, 617
- Staff, 257, 537, 552, 561, 626, 638
- Wilson, President, reported break with, 635, 637
- Howe, Frederick C., 8, 27, 35, 61, 63, 66, 72
- Howe, George, 145, 263, 268, 326, 351, 354
- Huddle, J. Klahr, 449, 510, 511, facing 550, 553, 626
- Hudson, Manley O., 143, 233, 263, 326, 328, 356, 372, 379, 423, 475, 555
- Hughes, Charles Evans, 264
- Huguenin, C. W., 444
- Hungary (see also
- Allied military intervention, question of, 134–135, 312–314, 315, 317, 317–318, 319–322
- Blockade, 296, 313–314, 316, 348, 349, 353
- Bolsheviks and Bela Kun government, 65, 152, 187–188, 259–260, 312–322, 332, 348, 354, 374
- Claims of U. S. company, 189
- Coal situation, 316, 348
- Commissions and committees concerning (see also Missions, infra): Boundary commissions, 234, 243; Committee on Repatriation of Austrian, German, and Hungarian Prisoners of War in Siberia, 332–333; Interallied Danube River Commission, 313, 313–314
- Danube shipping, question of control, 130, 143, 259–260, 281–282, 312–314, 322, 348, 349
- Food situation (see also Food relief: Central European states), 316, 318, 320, 348, 374
- Frontier questions with—
- Austria, 187, 188, 234, 243, 576
- Czechoslovakia. See Czechoslovakia: Frontier questions with Hungary.
- Roumania. See Roumania: Frontier and territorial questions: Conflict with Hungary.
- Karolyi government, U. S. attitude toward proposed delegates from, 27, 34
- Missions to (see also Commissions, supra): American, proposed, 161; Coolidge mission, report to American Commissioners, 187–188; Interallied Mission to Budapest (Bandholtz military mission), 389, 394, 417, 426, 435, 441, 442, 445, 680, 690; military mission of Lt. Col. Vyx, 134
- Pogroms, rumored, 374
- Political situation, 134–135, 187–188, 259–260, 312–322, 325, 348–349, 373–374, 375, 379, 383, 429, 635, 647, 658
- Preliminary peace, question of, 513
- Press, 315, 319
- Prisoners of war: Hungarian prisoners in Siberia, 76, 332–333; peace treaty clauses, 279, 363, 473
- Recognition, question of, 313, 348, 647
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Drafting, discussions concerning, 277–279, 363, 407, 410, 419–420, 428–431, 457, 458, 463, 469, 472, 472–474, 474–475, 479, 607
- Language of, 464
- Signature, 430, 644, 647, 652, 653, 658, 677
- Terms: Boundary and political (see also Frontier questions, supra), 277–279, 407, 419–420, 429, 457, 458, 472–473; economic, 277, 278, 473; financial, 258, 278–279, 363, 428, 429, 431, 473, 474; labor, 277; League of Nations, 277, 472; military, naval, and air, 363, 473, 474; minorities, 279; ports, etc., 278, 280–282, 363, 473, 474; preamble, 472; prisoners of war, 279, 363, 473; religious enterprises, 163–164; reparation, 258, 278–279, 363, 428, 429–430, 430–431, 457, 458, 473, 475, 662–663; responsibility and penalties, 278, 473; rights and interests outside Europe, 473
- U. S. participation, question of, 661, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700
- Hurley, Edward N., 485, 506, 547, facing 550, 556
- Hynes, John H., 435
- “Inquiry,” development into intelligence section of U. S. peace commission, and functions as such, 485–486, 495, 496, 551–552, 565–566
- Irish question, 234, 242, 621–622, 630–631, 676
- Italy:
- Austrian property taken over, 164, 180
- Austro-Hungarian debt, question of Italian share, 465–466, 472, 474, 475, 476
- Departure from Peace Conference, discussions concerning, 163, 171
- Food supplies (see also Food relief: Central European states: Railway transportation), 347
- France, relations with, 34, 55, 273
- Frontiers. See Territorial questions, infra.
- Language, Italian, noninclusion as official language in German peace treaty, 150
- Loan, U. S., discussions concerning, 345–347
- Mandates, question of: Adalia, 576; Albania, 55, 423
- Orlando, Vittorio: Dissatisfaction with methods of procedure of Council of Four, 137–138; objections to Wilson’s draft of League of Nations Covenant 2–3, 3–4
- Press, questions concerning, 174, 194–195
- Territorial questions:
- Albania, 55, 185, 423, 663
- Fiume and Dalmatia:
- Commission of Inquiry on Fiume Incidents (Summerall mission), 273, 290, 295, 377, 379; Italian attitude, 396
- Controversy with Jugoslavia, 62, 72, 77, 91, 115, 122, 123, 140–141, 154–155, 156–157, 163, 167, 169, 174, 176, 273, 275, 276–277, 396, 404–405, 419–420, 425, 436, 437–439, 439, 446, 448, 455, 456, 577, 645, 647, 650, 651, 652, 653, 656, 663
- D’Annunzio, Gabriele, occupation of Fiume, 438
- Neutral zone, proposed U. S. delineation, 404
- Trieste, 2
- Tyrol, Austrian attitude, 188
- Jacquith, H. C., 270, 299
- Jadwin, Edgar, 256, 257, 273, 449
- James, Henry, 58, 146, 312
- James, Hubert E., 139
- James, R. B., 249
- Japan (see also
China: Shantung):
- Activities in Finland and Sweden, 355
- Felicitations to Emperor from President Wilson on signature of German peace treaty, 605–606
- Racial equality: Proposed amendment to League Covenant, 129; resolution proposed to satisfy Japanese demands, 158–159
- Shipping, enemy, Japanese claims, 586–587
- Transportation of delegation on U. S. ship, request for, 242
- Treaties:
- Jefferson, Mark, 175, 185–186, 191, 544, facing 550, 551, 552, 556
- Jefferson, Theodore, 4, 14
- Jewish affairs:
- American Jewish Congress, 141
- Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine, reported statement by President Wilson, 150, 155
- Pogroms: Hungary, 374; Poland, Morgenthau mission to investigate, 195, 224, 232–233, 237, 243, 256, 257, 258, 266, 270, 289–290, 295, 295–296, 299–300, 378, 394; Roumania, 195
- Tribute of Zionist delegation to President Wilson, and reply, 607–608, 615
- U. S. interest in protection of Jewish minorities, 586
- Johnson, Douglas Wilson, 138, 248, 262, 263, 266, 401–402, 454–455, 470, facing 550, 551, 552, 556, 627
- Johnson, Homer, 237, 243, 257, 299
- Jones, C. H., 189
- Jones, D. C., 394
- Jones, William A., 354, 371
- Joy, Benjamin C., 65
- Jugoslavia (see also
Food relief: Central European
states; New states):
- Assignment of Serbian general, 162
- Austrian and Bulgarian treaties, Jugoslav attitude, 368–369, 370, 409–410
- Commissions concerning: Klagenfurt mission, 227–228, 269, 295, 466; Laibach, Commission on Issues of, 123; Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, Commission on, 251–252, 275, 280, 331, 467, 524; Spalato incident, proposed commission to investigate, 140–141
- Designation, question of proper form, 227
- French Army, action in, 65, 122
- Frontiers:
- Delineation of, 275, 277, 458, 467
- Disputes concerning—
- Albanian frontier, 577
- Banat: French Army action, 92, 96; U. S. policy concerning, 6–7
- Carinthia (including Klagenfurt), 59–60, 64, 74, 88, 122, 172, 188, 226, 227–228, 269, 285, 446, 464, 466; mission to fix armistice line (Klagenfurt mission), 227–228, 269, 295, 466
- Fiume and Dalmatia. See under Italy: Territorial questions.
- Tzaribrod, 444
- Minorities: Jugoslav protest against provision in Austrian treaty, 368, 369; treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 393, 585–586, 662
- Mission, Klagenfurt, 227–228, 269, 295, 466
- Montenegro, proposed incorporation of, 185
- Political activities, 50
- Reparation, 52
- Shipping, 65
- Supplies, shipment of (see also Food relief: Central European states), 393
- Tribute to President Wilson, and reply, 607–608, 615
- U. S. declaration regarding union of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, 8, 17
- Kaiser. See Germany: Wilhelm II.
- Kalamatiano, Xenophon (U. S. citizen), U. S. efforts to secure release from detention in Russia, 16, 20
- Kernan, Francis J., 22–23, 82, 114, 120, 142, 148, 159, 175, 542, facing 550, 555, 565
- Khachadoorian, H. H., 224–225, 226–227, 351
- Kiaochow. See China: Shantung and Kiaochow.
- Kiel Canal, 110–111, 121–122, 534, 583
- Kiely, Ralph, 177
- Kilpatrick, Emmett, 499, 541–542, facing 550, 557, 627
- King, David W., 137, 138, 231, 345
- King, Henry Churchill. See King-Crane Commission.
- King-Crane Commission, 133–134, 140, 141, 145–146, 155, 164, 165, 170, 177, 189, 193, 195, 258–259, 295, 327, 344, 355, 358, 359, 389–390, 432–433, 607
- Kinsey, Hall, 189
- Kirk, A. C., 552
- Kirkpatrick, Sidney D., 189
- Klagenfurt mission, 227–228, 269, 295, 466
- Kloeber, Robert, 183, 499, 547, facing 550, 557
- Knapp H. S., 555, 626
- Knox, Philander, S. Res. 361, regarding U. S. purposes at the Peace Conference, 489–490, 494
- Koritza, 425, 433, 525
- Kountze, de Lancey, 33, 554
- Krause, Sgt., 128–129
- Labor:
- American Federation of Labor representatives, hearing by American Commissioners, 57, 69–71, 528–529
- Bolshevism, attitude of Shipyard Workers of Northwest, 56
- British situation, 621
- Commissions and committees: Commission on International Labor Legislation, 69, 174, 524, 528, 529; list of commissions to be appointed under German treaty, 584; Organizing Committee of the International Labor Conference, 372
- Conference at Berne, International Socialist, 4, 69, 70, 115–116, 528–529
- French situation, 348
- Gompers, Samuel, 37, 41, 56, 57, 69–71, 115–116, 126, 135–136, 240, 527, 528, 529, facing 550, 556
- Labor clauses of Bulgarian, German, and Hungarian peace treaties, discussions, 240, 277, 306, 584
- Permanent organization, proposed, 70, 529, 584
- Report of U. S. liaison officer, 527–529, 562
- Laibach incident, 77; Commission on Issues of, 123
- Lamb, A. R., facing 550, 554
- Lambing, Ross, 193, 195
- Lamont, Thomas William, 57, 67, 91–92, 120, 240, 505, 506, facing 550, 555
- Lane, Arthur B., 295
- Language, official, of Austrian peace treaty, 463, 464; Bulgarian peace treaty, 462–463, 464; German peace treaty, 113, 150, 463, 468; Hungarian peace treaty, 464; treaties with new states, 462–463, 464
- Lansing, Robert:
- Attitude toward progress of American Commission and Conference, 487, 548–549
- Draft declaration of principles for signature by Allied and Associated Powers, 492
- Memorandum on subjects still to be settled, 607
- Message for American Commission, 698–699; for Clemenceau, 698
- Preliminary peace, views on, 46, 504–505, 547–548
- Return to United States: Arrangements for information, 610; plans for, 596–597, 606; statements to press on eve of departure, 612–614
- Secret diplomacy, disapproval of, 549
- Staff, 537, 552, 561
- Treaty with Germany: Disapproval of final terms, 568–569; efforts to obtain ratification, 596–597, 643; suggestions for drafting, 549–550
- Visit to London, 569
- Latin American republics (see also individual countries), representation on Economic and Financial Commissions, 127, 531–532
- Latvia. See Baltic states.
- Lawrence, T. E., Arabian expedition, 123
- Lawton, John P., 299, 300
- League of Nations:
- Commissions and committees concerning: Commission in connection with ports, waterways, and railways clauses relating to League of Nations, proposed, 422–423; Commission on League of Nations, 524, 542, 611–612, 628, 629–630; Committee on organization, 579
- Correspondence received by American Commission concerning, question of disposition of, 113, 161
- Covenant, discussions concerning:
- Amendments, proposed, 2, 3–4, 123–125, 129, 133
- Austrian note concerning, 263
- Counterproposals, German, 198, 203, 217
- Disapproval of final form by certain members of American Commission, 568–569, 573, 574
- Drafting procedure, 3, 7–8, 521
- Inclusion in Austrian, German, and Hungarian peace treaties, 73, 99–100, 113, 121, 277, 304
- Interpretation of art. 7, 75
- Provisions of Covenant:
- Financial section, proposed, 89
- House, E. M., views regarding League, 622, 623, 633, 637–638
- Latin American countries, apprehensions concerning, 531
- Mandates. See Mandates.
- Meeting of Assembly, question of time and place, 633
- Ports, waterways, and railways clauses relating to League of Nations, questions concerning, 422–423
- Reservations, question of, 676–677
- Secretariat: Preparatory organization, 266–267, 267; request for Peace Conference records, 390
- Turkey, proposal for control by League, 447
- U. S. public opinion, 94–95, 119, 121, 125, 309, 310, 489–490, 637–638, 676–677; attitude of Senate, 309, 310, 489–490, 676–677
- Leavitt, A. H., 554
- Leedy, Caleb A., Jr., 87, 324, 553
- Legge, Alexander, 555
- Lehrs, J. A., 119
- Leith, C. K, 486
- Liberian delegation to Peace Conference, decisions concerning, 17–18, 33, 33–34, 34, 41, 58
- Liberty Bonds, 125–126, 141, 507
- Lippmann, Walter, 70–71
- Liquidation Commission, American, 158, 243, 294, 298, 375–376
- Liquor traffic convention, 333–334, 474, 476, 578
- Lithuania. See Baltic states.
- Lloyd George. See under Great Britain.
- Loans, U. S.:
- Lobeck, A. K., 551
- Lodge, Henry Cabot (chairman of Senate Foreign Relations Committee), 512, 625, 627–628, 629–630
- London, treaty of: Cited, 27, 56; U. S. attitude toward, 50–51, 525
- Lord, Robert Howard, 15, 22–23, 28, 114, 175, 249, 256, 323, 416, 544, facing 550, 551, 552, 556, 571, 607
- Loree, R. F., 505
- Lunt, William Edward, 184, 186–187, 233, 544, facing 550, 552, 556
- Luxemburg, 23–24, 159, 521, 533
- Lybyer, Albert H., 177
- Lynch, Robert E., 148
- Macatee, Robert Berry, 449, 553, 626
- MacDowell, Charles, 555
- MacEachran, C. E., 615
- Macedonian National Committee, 395
- Magie, David W., 184, 185, 240–241, 244
- Mail service. See under Communications.
- Mandates:
- Manly, John F., 193, 224
- Maps, 7, 183–184, 186, 191, 353, 552
- Marcou, Miss, 257
- Markievicz, Countess, 243
- Marshall, H. D., 256, 607, 627
- Martens, L. A., proposed deportation from United States, 234
- Martin, Andrew P., 555
- Martin, Lawrence, 234, 357, 358, 416
- Mashburn, Maynard, 186
- Mason, C. H., 504
- Masteller, Kenneth C., 386
- McAndrew, Gen., 269
- McCormick, Vance C., 13, 14–15, 22, 34, 240, 250, 485, 506, 547, facing 550, 555, 565
- McCoy, Frank R., 449
- McCrindle, J. Ronald, 400
- McCully, N. A., 355
- McFadden, George, 57, 67, 555
- Mcintosh, Kenneth, 540, facing 550, 553
- McKenna, Walter D., 387, facing 550, 554
- McKinstry, Charles H. (War Damages Board), 24, 240, 250, 400–401
- McLean, Allen D., 443, 446, 541, facing 550, 554, 626
- McNamee, L., 555
- McNeir, William, 263, 272, 503, 538, facing 550, 553, 610, 627
- McNerney, James J., 323
- Medal, Distinguished Service, 400, 417, 442
- Mercantile Trust Co., 122
- Merrill, J. N., 23
- Mesopotamia, 261, 576, 675
- Mexico, Minister from, 132
- Mezes, S. E., 95, 98, 184, 543, facing 550, 552, 556, 565
- Miles, Sherman: Activities in connection with Carinthian boundary dispute, 10, 59–60, 74, 88, 122, 226, 227–228; assignment to Legation at Prague, 188–189; mission to Montenegro, 185, 274–275; release from American Commission, 271
- Military and Naval Committee, Interallied, 63, 80
- Military operations after signature of peace, plans for, 83–84
- Miller, David Hunter, 6, 7, 12, 88–89, 123–124, 173, 189, 542, facing 550, 554, 575
- Mills, Henry E., Jr., 65–66, 372, 385, 555
- Minorities, protection of (see also
New states: Conventions
Jewish affairs: Pogroms):
- Austrian treaty provisions, 302, 303, 368–369, 393
- Bulgarian treaty provisions, 282, 305, 325
- Committee on Protection of Minorities. See New states: Committee.
- Czechoslovakia: Question of principle, 87; treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 393, 479, 585–586
- Greece, treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 585–586
- Hungarian treaty provisions, 279
- Jugoslavia, treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 393, 585–586, 662
- Poland, treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 393, 585–586, 600
- Roumania. See Roumania: Minorities.
- Statement of principles, 492
- Minot, Grafton Winthrop, 553
- Missionary and educational societies, peace treaty provisions concerning, 163–164
- Missions, field:
- Destination:
- Austria. See Austria: Missions.
- Baltic states. See Baltic states: Missions.
- Germany. See Germany: Missions.
- Hungary. See Hungary: Missions.
- Jugoslavia, Klagenfurt mission, 227–228, 269, 295, 466
- Montenegro, mission of Sherman Miles, 185, 274–275
- Poland. See Poland: Missions.
- Roumania, mission of Sir George Clerk, 445, 447, 449, 478
- Russia. See Russia: Missions.
- Turkey. See Turkish territories: Commissions.
- General proposals and decisions concerning, 223, 292, 295, 327, 353, 357, 358, 359, 502–503, 530, 536, 566
- Destination:
- Monroe Doctrine, 133
- Montenegro:
- Commission to investigate, question of, 274–275
- Conditions in, 27, 54, 68, 111, 185, 442
- Mission of Sherman Miles, 185, 274–275
- Representative from: Appeal to President Wilson, 172; request for admission to Peace Conference, 95
- U. S. and Allied troops, 4, 22, 68, 85
- U. S. attitude toward, 27, 68, 114–115
- Montgomery, George R., 168, 170
- Montgomery, Stuart, 243, 524, 525–526, 592
- Moon, P. T., 551, 556
- Moore, Benjamin, 552
- Moore, Benjamin Burgess, 224–225, 226–227
- Moran, W. H., 546
- Morgenthau, Henry, 264, 324; mission to investigate reported pogroms in Poland, 195, 224, 232–233, 237, 243, 256, 257, 258, 266, 270, 289–290, 295, 295–296, 299–300, 378, 394
- Morison, Samuel Eliot, 181, 184, 230–231, 235–236, 241, 571–572, 575n, 591
- Morris, Ira N., 144
- Moseley, P. H., 399, 554
- Murphy, John A., 238
- Nansen proposal for relief in Russia, 158
- Nash, W. E., 229
- National Fine Arts Committee, U. S., 97, 120
- Naval construction, British policy concerning, 621, 622–623, 630–631, 676
- Nelson, David T., 196
- Netherlands: Neutrality, breaches of, 39; passage across Dutch territory of Allied troops and supplies, arrangements for, 11–12, 39, 46; press, question of visit to western front, 247; Scheldt River, proposed internationalization of, 413–414; U. S. military base of supplies, proposed establishment at Rotterdam, 11–12; Treaties of 1839, proposed revision, and Belgian-Dutch negotiations concerning, 288, 375, 393, 413–414, 433, 524, 534, 577, 652, 653, 664; Wilson, President, invitation to, 39–40
- Neuilly-sur-Seine, treaty of. See Bulgaria: Treaty of peace.
- New states (see also
Czechoslovakia; Jugoslavia; Poland):
- Armament supplies, 284
- Committee on New States (Committee on Minorities), 279, 285, 305, 325, 339, 340, 372, 393
- Contributions to war costs by states acquiring former Austro-Hungarian territory, 387–388, 454, 465–466, 472, 474, 475, 476
- Conventions with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Drafting, 285, 341–342, 363–364, 393, 469, 472, 585–586
- Language, 462–463, 464
- Recognition by Germany, proposed, 534
- Terms: Disarmament provision, 475; minorities, protection of, 368–369, 393, 479, 585–586, 662, 688, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700; ports, railways, and waterways, 364
- U. S. signature, question of, 409
- United States, recommendations concerning bilateral treaties with, 37, 457, 458
- Newton, Whitney, Jr., 183, 228, 493, 499, 541, facing 550, 557
- Nielsen, Frederick K, 252, 388, 555, 627
- Noble, George B., 90, 180, 572, 575n
- Norris, E. E., 344
- Norris, Reginald, 359, 402
- Norway, question of sovereignty over Spitzbergen, 334–336, 364, 409, 578
- Notestein, Wallace, 544, facing 550
- Noyes, H. T., 252
- Noyes, Pierrepont B., 167, 169, 171, 230, 251, 252, 290–291, 293
- Olds, Robert E., 89, 129–130, 145
- Olney, S. B., facing 550, 557
- Open door policy, 75
- Opium, 18
- Orlando, Vittorio. See under Italy.
- Osborn, W. H., 120
- Osborne, Lithgow, 129, 256, 269, 289, 345, 536, 554
- Oyster, Guy H., 135–136, 556
- Pacific Islands, secret agreement between Japan and Entente (1917) concerning, cited, 79
- Page, Thomas Nelson, 163, 171, 174
- Palen, Edward E., 556
- Palestine. See under Turkish territories.
- Palmer, A. Mitchell, 32
- Panama:
- Parade on July 14, preparations regarding, 262–263, 270, 291–292, 292, 293, 294
- Parker, Franklin E., 248
- Passports:
- Decisions of American Commissioners regarding issuance of passports to families of members of Commission, 10–11, 192–193, 194, 247, 252, 273, 289, 345; representatives of Department of Agriculture, 21; representatives of other groups, 140, 238
- French refusal to visa passports to enter France, U. S. attitude, 5, 37, 50, 131
- Patchin, Philip H., 256, 256–257, 272, 493, 495, 503, 507, 538, facing 550, 553, 610
- Patrick, Mason N., 301, 326, 328
- Patterson, R. C., Jr., 291, 293, 483, 493, 497, 508, 540, facing 550, 557
- Paukstas, P. B., 92
- Paul, J. G. D., 256, 496, 554
- Peace treaties. See Treaty of peace under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey.
- Peacock, C. N., 186, 497, 557
- Peaslee, A. J., 499, 544, facing 550, 557
- Peirce, Hayford, 120, 376, 626
- Peirce, Walter, 439, 627
- Penalties. See Responsibility of authors of the war.
- Pennie, John C., 555
- Perrin, Lester W., 36, 58, 245
- Peru, question of representation on commissions of Conference, 531–532
- Pettit, W. W., 128, 166
- Peyton, E. G., 499, facing 550, 557
- Phelps, Livingston, 27–28, 84, 99
- Photographs and portraits, 33, 66, 79, 82, 97, 120–121, 184, 241, 246
- Picard, A. L., 385
- Plaque, commemorative, 402
- Plebiscites, proposed (see also Commissions: Plebiscite): Bessarabia, 341, 382–383; Danzig, 219; Fiume, 446; Galicia, 380, 381, 397; Luxemburg, 159; Prussia, East, 580; Russian territories, former, 382–383; Saar Basin, 221, 580; Schleswig, 250, 259, 265, 300, 580–581; Silesia, 206–207, 218, 307, 308, 415; Teschen, 337, 673, 679, 690; Thrace, 342; Vorarlberg, 188
- Plenary sessions of Conference, discussions concerning admittance to, 167, 176, 246, 420–421, 598
- Pogroms. See under Jewish affairs.
- Poland (see also
Danzig; New states):
- Coal situation, 207–211, 260, 307, 337, 338, 349–350, 392, 413
- Commissions concerning (see also Missions infra): Coal committee of Supreme Economic Council, 307, 337, 349; Commission on Polish Affairs, 130, 141, 206, 369, 380–382, 392, 396–397, 524, 525–526; frontier commission, [Page 727] 580; Interallied Teschen Commission, 16–17, 123, 141, 145, 263, 268, 286, 295, 326, 351, 449; Interallied Teschen Plebiscite Commission, 307, 673, 679, 690
- Hearing by Council of Four, Polish desire for minutes of, 268
- Food relief, 78–79, 126
- Missions (see also
Commissions, supra):
- Interallied Mission to Poland, 22–23, 28, 54, 82, 86, 98–99, 112, 114, 118, 120, 132, 142, 148, 159, 542; Subcommission at Posen, 159, 168, 385
- Investigation of economic and financial situation, proposed, 127, 132
- Morgenthau mission, 195, 224, 232–233, 237, 243, 256, 257, 258, 266, 270, 289–290, 295, 295–296, 299–300, 378, 394
- Pogroms, reports of, and Morgenthau mission to investigate, 195, 224, 232–233, 237, 243, 256, 257, 258, 266, 270, 289–290, 295, 295–296, 299–300, 378, 394
- Recognition, 79, 255
- Red Cross, American, activities, 145
- Reports on, 111, 117–118, 371
- Supplies and other assistance, 117, 145, 284, 443, 445
- Territorial dispute with—
- Czechoslovakia: Coal arrangements, 307, 337, 349; frontier in Teschen area, 123, 152–153, 163, 172, 263, 271, 286, 336–338, 351, 369–370, 381, 392, 396, 413, 456, 577; Interallied Teschen Commission, 16–17, 123, 141, 145, 263, 268, 286, 295, 326, 351, 449; Interallied Teschen Plebiscite Commission, 307, 673, 679, 690
- Germany, frontier in—
- Lithuania, 287, 288, 383, 577
- Russia, 287–288, 339, 381–382, 383, 577
- Ukraine, frontier in Galicia, 28, 117, 130, 142, 148, 151, 153, 162, 167, 253, 380–381, 396–397, 577, 658
- Treaties with Allied and Associated Powers; General, 341–342, 393, 585–586, 600; regarding Galicia, proposed, 286–287, 380–381, 396–397, 433–434
- Troops in France (General Haller’s army), arrangements for return, 112, 117, 142, 181, 182; possible use against Ukrainians, 167
- Typhus epidemic, 145
- Unemployment, proposal concerning, 118
- U. S. diplomatic agent, question of dispatch to, 39, 63, 134, 231
- War materials, U. S., proposed sale to, 117, 127, 158
- Political Clauses for Europe (Austrian treaty), Commission on, 341–342, 362–363, 363–364, 380, 477–478
- Polk, Frank L.:
- Appointment as Commissioner to succeed Secretary Lansing, 324, 328, 471, 596–597, 606, 611, 615, 616–617, 618, 619; text of full powers, 616–617
- Return to United States: Date, question of, 656, 657–658, 659, 660, 665, 666, 669, 673–674, 679, 683–686, 688, 689, 695, 700; list of questions to be settled before departure, 662–664
- Staff, 615, 626
- Status as head of delegation, 639, 640
- Poole, Dewitt C., 179, 259, 302
- Portraits and photographs of American Commission, 33, 66, 79, 82, 97, 120–121, 184, 241, 246
- Ports, waterways, and railways:
- Austrian peace treaty provisions concerning, 274, 281, 302, 302–303, 303, 367–368
- Bulgarian treaty clauses, preparation, 280–282, 306, 325, 328, 392, 465, 469
- Commissions concerning:
- Danube River commissions, 281, 313, 313–314, 534, 582–583
- International Regime of Ports, Waterways and Railways, Commission on: Activities of, 91, 110–111, 121, 303, 306, 325, 328, 368, 465, 474, 524; membership, 6, 12, 18, 326, 379, 475, 537
- International Rhine Commission, proposed, 111, 218, 583
- List of commissions provided for in German treaty, 582–584
- Proposed commission in connection with clauses relating to League of Nations, 422–423
- Convention, proposed, 583
- Danube River: Distribution of river craft, 250, 260–261, 679; German peace treaty provision concerning, 250; commissions, 218, 313, 313–314, 534, 582–583; shipping, question of control, 130, 143, 259–260, 281–282, 312–314, 322, 348, 349
- German peace treaty provisions. See Germany: Treaty: Terms: Ports, etc.
- Hungarian peace treaty provisions concerning, 278, 280–282, 363, 473, 474
- League of Nations, questions concerning ports, waterways, and railways, 422–423
- New states, question of provisions in treaties with, 364
- Railway conditions in Central Europe, 102–103; transportation for repatriating prisoners of war, 410
- Railway material, questions concerning, 412–413
- Rhine River. See under Germany.
- Scheldt River, proposed internationalization, 413–414
- Pottle, Emory, 314, 496
- Press:
- American: Admission to Conference, question of, 421, 490–491, 494; Committee on Public Information, 14, 174, 228, 233, 244–245, 267, 273, 325–326, 328–329, 372–373, 589–590, 617–618, 619–620, 624, 625, 631; communication facilities, 87, 98, 402, 589, 620, 624, 628–629, 631, 636; entertainment, 232; French discrimination against, 26; leakages and breaches of faith, 38, 60–61; parade accommodations, 292; press bureau of American Commission, 244, 324, 326, 425, 435–436, 510; U. S. supervision over American correspondents in enemy states, question of, 118, 127–128
- British correspondent, views concerning, 6, 9–10, 10
- French: Attitude toward President Wilson and United States, 21, 92, 526–527, 550; Secretary Lansing’s statement to, 614; U. S. Department of State, requests for reports concerning French press, 517–518, 537
- Hungarian, 315, 319
- Italian, 174, 194–195
- Leakages and breaches of faith, 38, 60–61, 111, 508–509, 641–642, 643
- Netherlands newspapermen, question of visit to front, 247
- Prince’s Island (Prinkipo) Conference. See under Russia.
- Prisoners of war (see also under Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, and United States):
- Prohibition, 68
- Propaganda, 52, 137, 268
- Property, rights, and interests: Austro-Hungarian property taken over by Italy, 164, 180; enemy property in United States, question of disposition of, 30–31, 32, 76, 514, 585; questions to be settled after signature of peace, 585
- Prussia East, 580
- Public Information, Committee on, 14, 174, 228, 233, 244–245, 267, 273, 325–326, 328–329, 372–373, 580–590, 617–618, 619–620, 624, 625, 631
- Publicity, desirability of, 490–491, 494, 507
- Putnam, Herbert, 191, 297
- Racial equality, provision in League of Nations Covenant, proposed, 129; resolution, proposed, 158–159
- Radio communication, 146
- Railways. See Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Ransome, Arthur, 6, 9–10, 10
- Rathbone, Albert, 652, 653
- Recognition questions: Baltic states, 40; Finland, 82, 87, 112, 255; Georgian Republic, 225, 384; Hungary, 313, 348, 647; Poland, 79, 255; Roumanian Minister in United States, 50; Russia, 230–231, 255; Ukraine, 255
- Red Cross:
- Reeves, John W., 437–439
- Reisler, Simon, 289
- Relief. See Food relief.
- Religious enterprises, protection of, 163–164
- Religious freedom (see also Jewish affairs), 381
- Reparation:
- Austrian reparation, 258, 302, 353–354, 453, 456
- Bulgarian reparation: British views, 305–306; discussions concerning drafting, 282, 305–306, 458, 464, 466, 471
- Commissions and committees concerning:
- Commission on Reparation of Damages, 29–32, 41, 45–46, 51–52, 57, 58, 90, 94, 285, 505, 524, 527
- Committee on Organization of Reparation Commission, 349, 385, 399, 431, 441
- Committee on Reparation Clauses in Treaties With Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, 282, 353–354, 412, 429, 429–430, 431, 432, 457, 458
- Reparation Commission (see also under German reparation: Terms, infra), 353–354, 464, 471
- Contributions toward war costs by states acquiring former Austro-Hungarian territory, 387–388, 454, 465–466, 472, 474, 475, 476
- German reparation:
- Alien Property Custodian (U. S.) question of disposition of funds, 30–31, 32, 514
- Allocation of agricultural machinery to Belgium and France, French proposal concerning, 41
- Coal, demands on behalf of France and Italy, 349
- Counterproposals, German, consideration of, 198–205, 216–217, 219, 222
- Definition, discussion of, 29–32, 51–52
- Shipping, disposition of, 85, 201, 202, 361, 390–391, 396, 448, 578, 586–587, 663
- Terms, discussions concerning—
- Army of occupation costs, 211–214, 220
- Fixed sum, possibility of establishing, 198, 190–202, 203, 204, 204–205, 216, 217; German offer, 201–202
- Pensions, 205
- Reparation Commission, functions of, 198–199, 201, 204, 205, 330, 431–432, 581
- Restoration of devastated areas, 199–200
- Return of objects and works of art, proposed, 535
- Scapa Flow, question of reparation for German ships sunk, 285, 677, 692, 695–696, 699
- Views of—
- Hungarian reparation, drafting of clauses, 258, 278–279, 363, 428, 429–430, 430–431, 457, 458, 473, 475, 662–663
- Roumania, liability of, and question of requisitions in Hungary, 387–388, 428, 429, 429–430
- Turkish reparation, 258
- Responsibility of authors of the war and enforcement of penalties (see also Germany: Wilhelm II): Bulgarian treaty provisions, 280, 305, 465; Commission on, 6, 12, 92, 93–94, 465, 524, 537, 542; German peace treaty provisions, 92, 93–94, 169, 535, 662; Hungarian treaty provisions 278, 473
- Rhine. See under Germany.
- Rice, John H., 233, 296
- Rigby, William C., 162
- Riggs, E. Francis: Delay in trip to Archangel, 180; military mission to fix armistice line in Carinthia (Klagenfurt mission), 227–228, 269, 295, 466; mission to Southern Russia, 137, 144, 162, 189–190, 193, 224–225, 226–227, 295, 357, 359, 503, 536
- Rivers. See Ports, waterways, and railways.
- Robineau, S. P., 138
- Robinson, Henry M., 529, 556
- Rogers, Walter S., 590, 618
- Roosevelt, Nicholas, 134–135
- Root, Elihu, attitude toward policy of Conference, 588–589
- Roumania:
- Bolshevism, 139
- Clerk, Sir George, mission to Roumania, 445, 447, 449, 478
- Commission on Roumanian and Jugoslav Affairs, 251–252, 275, 280, 331, 467, 524
- Delegates, conversation with Commissioner, 440–441
- Felicitations from King Ferdinand to President Wilson on signature of German peace treaty, 608–609
- Financial assistance, question of, 152, 373
- Frontier and territorial questions:
- Banat, 6–7, 92, 96
- Bessarabia, question of annexation, 339–341, 365, 382–383, 406, 408, 444–445, 470, 664
- Bukovina, 365, 368
- Conflict with Hungary: Mission of Sir George Clerk, 445, 447, 449, 478; reports on situation, 134–135, 332, 363, 373–374, 375, 389, 393, 436, 447, 468, 647; Roumanian requisitions in Hungary and actions of Supreme Council with regard to, 373, 387–388, 424–425, 429–430, 441, 475, 478, 645; U. S. policy, 122, 134–135, 379, 478, 635, 652, 653, 656, 664, 677
- Dobrudja, 280, 281, 405, 406, 407, 408, 426, 470, 576, 577, 664
- Transylvania, 406–407
- Minorities, protection of, 339, 340, 393, 585–586; treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 406–407, [Page 730] 585–586, 662, 688, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700
- Pogroms, alleged, 195
- Political situation, 373
- Reparations, question of liability and effect of requisitioning in Hungary, 387–388, 428, 429, 429–430
- U. S. recognition of Minister to United States, 50
- Russell, Charles Edward, 4
- Russell, Charles H., 269, 435, 626
- Russia (see also
- Allied troops in Russia, questions concerning, 9, 10, 44–45, 49, 67–68, 75, 83, 84, 86–87, 97–98, 143, 159, 284, 331–332, 354, 355, 403–404, 666
- Blockade, 466
- Bolsheviks (see also Prince’s Island Conference, infra):
- British policy, 5–6, 9–10, 67–68, 84, 97–98, 118, 331, 332, 404, 675
- Circassian Republic, 5, 69
- Czechoslovak troops in Siberia, 284, 331–332, 354, 355
- Delegates from, hearing by American Commissioners, 69, 111–112, 389
- Federalization of Russia, proposed, 253–255
- Food relief and supplies, 126–127, 128, 148, 154, 158, 160–161, 164, 332, 400, 550
- Frontier and territorial questions: Bessarabia, question of annexation to Roumania, 339–341, 365, 382–383, 406, 408; 444–445, 470, 664; Finland, 382, 383, 578; Poland, 287–288, 339, 381–382, 383, 577; states formed out of former Russian territory, question of frontiers, 371, 382–383, 577–578, 607
- Georgian Republic, status of, 5, 225, 384
- German treaty, proposed inclusion of articles relating to Russia, 534
- League of Nations, question of Russian participation, 123
- Missions, American: Bullitt’s, 70, 74, 125, 128–129, 148; Riggs’ mission to Southern Russia, 137, 144, 162, 189–190, 193, 224–225, 226–227, 295, 357, 359, 503, 536
- Prince’s Island (Prinkipo) Conference, proposed, 5–6, 9–10, 14, 20, 27–28, 32–33, 35, 36, 42, 84–85, 87; Esthonian reservation concerning, 40
- Prisoners of war: American, in Russia, 166; Austrian, in Siberia, 3, 76, 183, 332–333, 350; Committee on Repatriation of German, Austrian, and Hungarian Prisoners of War in Siberia, 332–333; German, in Russia, 332–333, 441; Hungarian, in Siberia, 76, 332; Red Cross activities in Siberia, 3, 76, 154, 176, 178, 183; Russian, in Germany and France, 48, 129, 140, 149, 154, 183, 192
- Recognition, questions concerning, 230–231, 255, 384
- Red Cross, American, activities in, 129–130, 145
- Reports on situation, and decisions respecting, 111–112, 115, 144, 149, 179, 180, 259, 302, 355, 395
- Russian Division of American Commission, 256, 607
- Shackleton concessions, 118, 164
- Treaty with Germany and Japan, alleged, 169
- Typhus epidemic, 145
- Union of Archangel and Omsk governments, proposed, 153–154
- U. S. citizens detained in Russia, 16, 20, 173
- U. S. diplomatic and consular representatives, withdrawal, 403–404
- U. S. policy, 43–45, 49, 62, 67–68, 128, 144, 153–154, 160–161, 165, 225, 255, 263–264, 266, 336, 352, 365, 455, 647, 663–664; disapproval by certain members of American Commission, 235–236, 573, 591, 592
- War material, U. S., proposed sale to anti-Bolshevik forces, 164, 294, 298, 375–376, 377
- Saar Basin, 217, 221, 579–580, 580, 581
- Sabine-Pasley, Cora B., 181
- Salaries. See under Commission to Negotiate Peace: Personnel.
- Sanborn, E. L., 114
- Sargent, John Singer, 97, 120
- Scapa Flow, 285, 391, 677, 692, 695–696, 699
- Schleswig: Commissions, 250, 259, 265, 300, 580–581; German state property, 285
- Schofield, F. H., 555
- Schumacher, Frederick, 93
- Scott, James Brown, 6, 11, 12, 113, 131, 391–392, 453, 542, facing 550, 554, 606, 626, 627, 660
- Scott, T. W., 498
- Scovell, David W., 500, 541, facing 550, 557
- Secret agreements, U. S. attitude, 50–51 Secret diplomacy, Secretary Lansing’s views, 548–549
- Self-determination, principle of, 76, 88, 255, 513
- Senate (U. S.). See under United States.
- Serbia. See Jugoslavia.
- Serres, Raoul de, 289
- Seymour, Charles, 16, 185–186, 192, 234, 239, 252, 543, facing 550, 551, 552, 556
- Shackleton concessions, 118, 164
- Shantung. See under China.
- Shaw, G. Howland, 615, 626
- Sheldon, L. C., 555
- Shepardson, Whitney H., 257, 266–267, 267, 552
- Shepley, H. R., 498
- Shipping: Allied Maritime Council, 117; enemy shipping, disposition of, 85, 164, 201, 202, 361, 390–391, 396, 448, 578, 582, 586–587; Jugoslav shipping, 65
- Shipping Board, U. S., 9, 547, 567
- Shotwell, James T., 174, 191, 191–192, 194, 225, 246, 247, 529, 544, facing 550, 552, 556
- Siam: Enemy shipping, question of disposition of, 586–587; hearing of delegate by American Commissioner, 90–91; U. S. attitude toward proposed relinquishment of extraterritoriality, 19–20, 23
- Siberia. See Russia.
- Silesia, 206–210, 217, 218–219, 221, 260, 284, 307–308, 337, 349, 350, 377, 413, 415
- Sims, Joseph P., 543
- Sisson, Edgar G., 80
- Skinner, S. A., 224
- Sladen, Fred W., 265, 300, 449
- Smith, James Hopkins, Jr., 256–257, 269, 553
- Smith, Jeremiah, 505, 555
- Smith, S. Y., 496, 554, 627
- Smith, Thomas J., 324
- Smyrna. See under Turkish territories: Asia Minor.
- Socialist Conference at Berne, International, 4, 69, 70, 115–116, 528–529
- Solbert, Oscar, 259, 265
- Sons of the American Revolution, 57
- Southard, Addison (Consul), investigation in Ethiopia, 15
- Sovereignty, U. S., possible infringement by German peace treaty, 99–100
- Spain: Desire for representation on organizing committee for international labor conference, 225; inquiry regarding League Covenant, 75; proposed sale of U. S. war material to, 158
- Spalato incident, 140–141
- Spitzbergen, 334–336, 364, 409, 578
- St. Germain, treaty of. See Austria: Treaty of peace.
- Stabler, Jordan Herbert, 67, 90, 127, 553
- Steering Committee of American Commission, 265–266, 273–274, 306, 324–325, 453–479, 618–619, 626; minutes of meetings, July 1–Sept. 4, 453–479
- Stefaniak, G. C., 299
- Steinberg, James, 190
- Stettinius, Edward R., views on loan to Italy, 345–347
- Stewart, Ethelbert, 372
- Stonestreet, A. H., 327
- Storck, John, 556, 569–570, 575n
- Stratton, Charles G., 185–186
- Strauss, Albert, 56, 505, 506, facing 550
- Strauss, Lewis, 556
- Submarines, question of abolition, 579
- Summerall, C. P., mission of inquiry on Fiume incidents, 273, 290, 295, 377, 379
- Summers, Leland L., 555
- Supreme Councils. See under Councils.
- Suter, Herman, 326, 589, 590, 624, 631
- Sweden, 355, 578
- Sweet, Richard C., 552
- Sweetser, Arthur, 7, 21, 37, 118, 140, 160, 244, 271, 324, 326, 510, 554, 562
- Swift, Linton B., 193, 195
- Switzerland, desire of Vorarlberg for union with, 188
- Sykes–Picot Agreement, U. S. attitude toward, 50–51
- Syria, See under Turkish territories.
- Talley, Mr., 38, 60–61
- Taussig, Frank William, 88–89, 555
- Taylor, Katherine, 196
- Telephone, telegraph, etc. See under Communications.
- Temperance and Social Service Commission, 68
- Ten, Council of. See Councils: Ten.
- Teschen. See Poland: Territorial dispute with Czechoslovakia.
- Thayer, W. W., 194, 223
- Thomas, Thomas Head, 146
- Thrace, 279, 304, 331, 342–344, 361, 362, 365–366, 386, 392, 408–409, 425–426, 460, 469, 471, 576, 634, 662
- Tientsin, 302, 303
- Toren, Paul O., 177, 193, 195
- Tower, Walter S., 486
- Transylvania, 406–407
- Treaties, conventions, etc. (see also
Commercial treaties):
- Aerial navigation convention, 301, 307, 467–468
- Aggression, U. S. and British guarantees to France in event of, 124–125, 126, 130, 133, 600
- Algeciras, Act of, proposed revision, 75
- Arms traffic convention, 233, 296, 333–334, 467, 474, 476, 534, 578 Berlin and Brussels, General Acts of, revision, 474, 476, 534, 578
- China. See China: Treaties.
- Czechoslovakia, treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 393, 479, 585–586
- Galicia, proposed treaty concerning, 286–287, 380–381, 396–397, 433–434
- Germany. See Germany: Treaties.
- Greece, proposed treaty for protection of minorities, 285, 585–586
- Japan. See Japan: Treaties.
- Jugoslavia, treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 393, 585–586, 662
- Liquor traffic convention, 333–334, 474, 476, 578
- London, Treaty of: Cited, 27, 56; U. S. attitude, 50–51, 525
- Minorities treaties. See New states: Conventions.
- New states, conventions concerning. See New states: Conventions.
- Peace treaties. See Treaty of peace under Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey.
- Poland. See Poland: Treaties.
- Prisoners of war agreement, U. S.-Germany (1918), cited, 230
- Rhineland Convention, 351, 462, 463, 600
- Roumania, treaty with Allied and Associated Powers, 285, 406–407, 585–586, 662, 688, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700
- Sykes-Picot Agreement, U. S. attitude, 50–51
- Treaties of 1839, proposed revision, and Belgian-Dutch negotiations concerning, 288, 375, 393, 413–414, 433, 524, 534, 577, 652, 653, 664
- Turkey. See Turkey: Treaties.
- Tredwell, Roger, 16, 20, 173
- Tree, Ronald, 13, 68
- Trianon, treaty of. See Hungary: Treaty of peace.
- Trigg, Lilburns, 238
- Troops. See U. S. and Allied troops.
- Turkey (see also
Turkish territories):
- Blockade, 448
- Bolshevism, reported threat of, 143, 447
- Capitulations, U. S. attitude, 68–69, 74, 283–284, 310–311
- Delegation, U. S. position regarding, 230
- German peace treaty, proposed inclusion of articles relating to Turkey, 534
- League of Nations, proposed control over Turkey, 447
- Non-Moslems, report concerning, 114
- Preliminary peace, question of, 513
- Treaties (see also Treaty of peace, infra), U. S.-Turkish treaties of 1830 and 1862, cited, 310–311
- Treaty of peace with Allied and Associated Powers:
- Drafting, discussions concerning, 283–284, 297, 306–307, 423–424, 454, 464
- Postponement, question of, 306, 447–448, 607, 633, 641, 644, 647, 648, 664, 675
- Terms, discussions concerning:
- U. S. participation in drafting and signature, question of, 241, 265, 297, 310–311, 338–339, 424, 454, 464, 607, 609, 616, 618, 661, 675–676
- U. S. Commissioner at Constantinople, questions with respect to, 40, 65, 118, 168, 170, 174
- U. S. consular officers, questions concerning, 87, 229
- Turkish territories (see also
- Anglo-French declaration of Nov. 25, 1918, 76
- Arabia: British expedition under T. E. Lawrence, 123; Hedjaz (Emir Feisal), 325, 328, 427, 612
- Asia Minor (including Dodecanese Islands):
- Adalia, 576
- Anatolia, 447–448, 525
- Armenia: American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 171–172; American military mission to Armenia (Harbord mission), 264, 312, 358, 359, 374, 377–378, 384, 386, 395, 447; food relief, 79, 171–172, 264, 270; mandate, question of, 261, 264, 447, 576; reports concerning, 264, 270, 384; territorial questions, 116, 284, 576; tribute to President Wilson, and reply, 607–608, 615
- Greek claims, 56, 91, 116, 193, 525, 576
- Mesopotamia, question of mandate for, 261, 576, 675
- Reports concerning, 271–272, 388, 447–448
- Smyrna: Commission on Issues of, 384; question of Greek control, 448, 576, 675; reports concerning, 447, 448; zone of occupation, 293
- Commissions and committees concerning: American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, 171–172; American military mission to Armenia (Harbord mission), 264, 312, 358, 359, 374, 377–378, 384, 386, 395, 447; American, proposed, 8, 27, 35, 61, 63, 63–64, 66–67, 72, 77, 79, 99, 116–117, [Page 733] 120, 128, 133–134, 137, 140, 155, 503; Interallied Commission on Mandates in Turkey (American section known as King-Crane Commission), 133–134, 140, 141, 145–146, 155, 164, 165, 170, 177, 189, 193, 195, 258–259, 295, 327, 344, 355, 358, 359, 389–390, 432–433, 607; Interallied Commission to Syria, proposed, 76–77; Smyrna, Commission on Issues of, 384
- Constantinople: Boundaries, 342–344, 576; Greek claim, 56; question of mandate, 261–262, 283, 343, 576, 634, 675
- Mandates:
- Adalia, question of Italian claim, 576
- Armenia, 261, 264, 447, 576
- British mandates, proposed, 261, 576, 577, 675
- Commission on Mandates in Turkey, Interallied (American section known as King-Crane Commission), 133–134, 140, 141, 145–146, 164, 165, 170, 177, 189, 193, 195, 258–259, 295, 327, 344, 355, 358, 359, 389–390, 432–433, 607
- Constantinople, 261–262, 283, 343, 576, 634, 675
- French mandates, question of, 262, 577, 675
- Mandate A, drafting of, 633, 635, 647, 648
- Mesopotamia, 261, 576, 675
- Palestine, 577
- Syria, 77, 577
- U. S. mandates, question of, 77, 261–262, 264, 283, 306, 388, 447, 448, 464, 647, 675
- Missions to. See Commissions, supra.
- Occupation by Allied forces, question of, 1, 427
- Palestine: Jewish commonwealth in, reported statement by President Wilson, 150, 155; question of British mandate, 577
- Sykes-Picot Agreement, U. S. attitude, 50–51
- Syria:
- Thrace, 279, 304, 331, 342–344, 361, 362, 365–366, 386, 392, 408–409, 425–426, 460, 469, 471, 576, 634, 662
- Treaty of London, U. S. attitude, 50–51
- U. S. consular officers, question of dispatch to, 85, 87, 229
- U. S. troops, proposed dispatch to, 1, 427
- Tyler, Royall, 64, 72, 224, 228, 241, 256, 263, 297, 356, 358, 372, 376, 389, 394, 544, facing 550, 554, 607, 626
- Tyng, Sewell, 299
- Typhus epidemic, 145
- Tyrol, 188
- Tzaribrod, 444
- Uhle, David, facing 550, 557
- Ukraine:
- Ullman, D. L., 289
- Umpleby, Joseph B., 14, 95
- United States (see also
Commission to Negotiate Peace
- Citizens: Detention in Russia, 16, 20, 173; Red Cross assistance in Germany, 149
- Departments and agencies (see
Senate, infra):
- Agriculture Department, passports for representatives of, 21
- Alien Property Custodian: Interest in chemical works in Germany, 161, 163, 166; question of disposition of enemy property, 30–31, 32, 76, 514, 585
- Boards: Shipping Board, 9, 547, 567; War Industries Board, 547, 567; War Trade Board, 78, 231, 238, 332, 547, 567
- Geological Survey: Assignment of personnel to American Commission, 14; investigation of potash deposits in Germany, 237–238
- State, Department of, requests for information concerning—
- Treasury Department, representatives at Peace Conference, 505–507, 545, 566–567
- War Department (see also Commission to Negotiate Peace: Personnel: Army): Facilities for historians, 13, 567; office [Page 734] space in Crillon Hotel, question of, 162; proposed sale of arms and ammunition in Europe, 158, 182, 294, 298
- Diplomatic and consular officers:
- Detention in Russia of Consul Tredwell, 16, 20, 173
- Dispatch to Austria, 168, 228–229; Baltic states, 371, 412; Constantinople and Damascus, 87; Czechoslovakia, 39, 63; Danzig, 449; Ethiopia, 15; Germany (occupied), 443; Poland, 39, 63, 134, 231; Syria and Palestine, 85, 87
- Withdrawal from Russia, 403–404
- Liberty Bonds, 125–126, 141, 507
- Policy at Peace Conference:
- Discussions regarding possible U. S. participation in—
- Commissions established by various treaties, 81, 111, 307–310, 311–312, 374–375, 399, 401, 419, 455, 464, 469, 471, 646, 670, 672–673, 678–679
- Committees not directly connected with Peace Conference, 422–423
- Drafting of Danzig-Polish treaty, 411–412
- Economic commissions, permanent, 352
- Indefinite trusteeship of ceded territories, 343
- Mandates in Turkey, 261–262, 264, 283, 306, 388, 447, 448, 464, 647, 675
- Occupation of Upper Silesia, 310, 377, 413, 415
- Supreme Economic Council, 420
- Treaties:
- Bulgarian, 265, 282–283, 297, 338–339, 343, 454, 460, 461, 462, 464, 467, 607, 609, 616, 618, 661, 670, 671, 672
- German. See Senate: German peace treaty, infra.
- Hungarian, 661, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700
- New states, 409
- Roumanian, 586, 688, 692, 693, 695, 697, 698, 699, 700
- Spitzbergen, 334–336, 364, 409
- Turkish, 241, 265, 297, 310–311, 338–339, 424, 454, 464, 607, 609, 616, 618, 661, 675–676
- Russian affairs. See Russia: U. S. policy.
- Territorial dispositions, 115, 343
- Discussions regarding possible U. S. participation in—
- Prisoners of war: American, in Russia, 166; German, in United States, 230
- Public attitude toward peace negotiations (see also Senate: German peace treaty, infra), 94–95, 119, 121, 125, 507, 691–692
- Purposes of United States at Peace Conference (S. Res. 361), 489–490, 494
- Reparation, 29–32, 45–46, 51–52, 73, 198–205, 211–212, 216, 219, 221, 222, 513–514, 586–587, 677, 692
- Senate (see also under
- German peace treaty, question of ratification: Discussions regarding possible action, 307, 309, 310, 624, 633, 634–635, 636, 646, 652, 653, 660–661; efforts of President Wilson and Department of State to secure ratification, 596–597, 624–625, 627–628, 629–630, 636, 640, 643, 646, 681–682; failure to ratify, and effect on U. S. position, 660–661, 661, 669–673, 676–677, 677–680, 683–684, 686, 690, 691–692, 694–696
- Irish question, 234, 243
- S. Res. 361 concerning U. S. purposes at Peace Conference, 489–490, 494
- Separate peace treaty with Germany, possible signature, 130, 680
- Troops. See U. S. and Allied troops.
- War costs, attitude of American Commissioners toward French request for statement, 17, 36–37
- U. S. and Allied troops and naval forces (see also
France: Army):
- Adriatic, forces in, 62, 436, 438, 439
- Austria, detachment in, 247, 296, 353
- Demobilization of U. S. troops: Army personnel on American Commission, 141, 146, 242, 246–247, 249; military operations after signature of peace, U. S. attitude, 83–84, 490; rate of, 82
- Educational facilities for American soldiers, 178
- Germany: Allied occupation, 100, 198, 202, 211–216, 217, 219–220, 284; U. S. troops, 52, 53, 251, 290–291, 435, 441–442, 443, 663, 679, 695–696
- Haller’s army, 112, 117, 142, 167, 181, 182
- Hungary, question of Allied intervention in, 134–135, 312–314, 315, 317–318, 319–322
- Luxemburg, 521
- Montenegro, 4, 22, 68, 85
- Netherlands, questions concerning Allied troops and supplies, 11–12, 39, 46
- Russia, 9, 10, 44–45, 49, 67–68, 75, 83, 84, 86–87, 97–98, 143, 159, 284, 331–332, 354, 355, 403–404, 666
- Silesia, question of U. S. or Allied occupation, 207, 284, 310, 377, 413, 415
- Teschen, question of occupation, 337
- Thrace, proposed Allied occupation, 408–409, 425–426
- Turkish territories, 1, 427
- University, American Expeditionary Force, 178
- Ussher, Dr., 250
- Vacuum Oil Co., 189
- Van Deman, Ralph H., 147, 359, 542, facing 550, 554
- Van Trees, John Ellis, 191
- Versailles, treaty of. See Germany: Treaty of peace.
- Visas for entry into France, French attitude, 5, 37, 50, 131
- Vorarlberg, 188
- Voska, Emanuel V., 34, 73
- Voska, Arthur E., 14, 34, 80, 96
- Walker, Charles C., 223, 498
- Wallace, Hugh (U. S. Ambassador in France), arrangements for assumption of unfinished business of American Commission, 657, 658, 660, 664–665, 678, 679–680, 688–689, 691, 692, 693, 694–698, 699–700
- Wallace, W. B., 553
- Walling, W. E., 556
- War, termination of state of, 532, 533
- War costs: Contributions from states acquiring former Austro-Hungarian territory, 387–388, 454, 465–466, 472, 474, 475, 476; French proposal for pooling, 89; statement of U. S. war costs, attitude of American Commissioners toward French request for, 17, 36–37
- War Damages Board, 19, 24, 240, 400–401; request for report, 400–401
- War Department (U. S.). See under United States: Departments.
- War Industries Board, 547, 567
- War material:
- Commissions concerning: American Liquidation Commission, 158, 243, 294, 298, 375–376; Commission for studying means of removing war material left in liberated areas, 386; Commission on Distribution of War Material, 418; Committee on Specification of Materials of War Which May Be Demanded From Germany, 24–25
- Disposition of:
- Embargo 441
- U. S. sale to France, 623
- War Trade Board, 78, 231, 238, 332, 547, 567
- Ward, Albert, 553, 626
- Warrin, Frank L., Jr., 289, 524, 555
- Watson, E. M., 545
- Wattawa, John, 196, 497, 557
- Weiss, Bernard, 314–315
- Weller, R. H., 137, 138
- Welsh, Charles B., 272, 445, 493, 539, 553, 627
- Westermann, William L., 67, 184, 186–187, 191–192, 240–241, 244, 524, 525, 544, facing 550, 551, 552, 556
- Wharton, N. E., 539, facing 550, 553, 626
- Wheat, George Wade, 191
- Wheeler, A. R., 376
- White, Henry, 6, 12, 503, 537, facing 550, 552, 561, 626, 659
- White, William Allen, 27, 87
- Whitehouse, Henry J., 190, 538–539, facing 550, 554
- Whitehouse, Sheldon, 256, 592, 607
- Whitmore, William C., 446, 626
- Whitney, George, 505, 555
- Whitridge, Arnold, 79
- Wile, Walter, 71
- Wilhelm, former Kaiser. See under Germany.
- Willett, Robert L., 177
- Williams, E. T., 16, 496, 544, facing 550, 551, 552, 553, 556
- Williams, Richard H., Jr., 15, facing 550
- Willoughby, C. M., 626
- Wilson, Margaret, 194–195
- Wilson, M. Florence, 236
- Wilson, Woodrow (President):
- Declarations, possible violations of, in reports of Conference committees, 110, 119, 522–523, 523–526
- Departure from France and return, 505, 507, 509, 512, 523, 526–527; text of statement upon occasion of second departure, 605
- Emir Feisal, correspondence with, 325, 328, 612
- Felicitations on signature of German peace treaty: From Emir Feisal, 612; from King of Roumania, 608–609; to Emperor of Japan, 605–606
- Fiume controversy, attitude, 62, 163, 167, 446, 647, 650, 651
- Fourteen points, cited, 29, 30, 31, 76, 122, 205
- French attitude toward, 21, 92, 526–527, 550
- House, E. M., relations with. See Memoranda and Wilson under House.
- Housing arrangements in Paris, 514, 518, 519
- Illness, 339, 649–650, 650–651, 651, 661, 671, 696
- Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine, reported statement concerning, 150, 155
- League of Nations Covenant: Draft, proposed Italian amendment, 2–3, 3–4; views, 416
- Letters of appreciation to certain personnel of American Commission, proposed, 416
- Opinions as to whether certain matters should be considered by Conference, 578, 579, 585, 586
- Press, relations with, 21, 38, 60–61, 92, 526–527, 550
- Senate, U. S., relations with (see also United States: Senate: German peace treaty), 509, 512, 521–522; text of statement of Mar. 4, 1919, 521–522
- Signature of German peace treaty, text of statement upon, 604–605
- Speaking tour, question of, 624–625, 637–638
- Special trains in France, payment for, 139, 293
- Speeches: Question of printing in French, 96–97, 155; suggestions’ with regard to, 487–488, 509
- Staff, 552, 561
- Tribute from representatives of small nations, text, 607–608; reply, text, 615
- Visits to—
- Wise, Richard S., 354, 371
- Wolfe, Lee J., 161, 163
- Wolman, Leo, 486
- Woolsey, Lester H., 372, 442, 606, 627
- Wynne, Edward C., 196, 556
- Yale, William, 36, 123, 402
- Yates, B. F., 500, facing 550, 557
- Young, Allyn Abbott, 88–89, 175, 485–486, 543, facing 550, 552, 556
- Young, Harry R., 272, 627
- Young Men’s Christian Association, 140, 183, 403
- Yugoslavia. See Jugoslavia.
- Zionism: Tribute of Zionist delegation to President Wilson, and reply, 607–608; views of President Wilson, reported, 150, 155