Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/110

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Friday, July 11th, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. Lansing
    • Mr. White
    • General Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison

I. The Commissioners approved the draft telegram to the American Minister at Athens, in reference to the telegram dated July 6th, received from Mr. Horton,9 and requesting the Minister to instruct Colonel Poillon to name the places around Smyrna which he considers necessary to be held by the army occupying Smyrna. Telegram to American Legation, Athens, Regarding Smyrna Zone of Occupation

II. Memorandum No. 456, regarding the release of Captain George was read. Release of Captain R. H. George

The Commissioners approved the release of Captain George.

III. Memorandum No. 457, regarding the payment of the expense of special trains for the President on February 14th and March 12th, 1919, was read. Special Train for President Feb. 14 and March 12, 1919

The Commissioners approved the payment of this bill out of the President’s special fund.

IV. Memorandum No. 458, regarding the request of Mr. Pierrepont B. Noyes for an additional allotment of 30,000 francs for the purchase of a Cadillac automobile for the use of the American Commissioner on the Inter-allied Rhineland land Commission was read. Additional Automobile for the Rhineland Commission

The Commissioners disapproved this request and approved the recommendation submitted in the memorandum under reference.

V. Memorandum No. 459, regarding the request of the Minister of Marine that the Hotel de Crillon and the office building at 4 Place de la Concorde be decorated in harmony with the other buildings in this vicinity, was read. Decoration of Building for Celebration on July 14th

The Commissioners approved an allotment of 7,150 francs from the Commission funds for this purpose.

VI. The Commissioners approved Major Patterson’s request for leave of absence for ten days, dating from July 15th, as set forth in Memorandum No. 460. Leave of Absence for Maj. R. C. Patterson, Jr.

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VII. The Commissioners authorized the issuance of a passport for Mrs. Gilbert, subject to military regulations, as set forth in Memorandum No. 461. Passport for Mrs. Ellie Normant Gilbert

VIII. The Commissioners approved the telegram to the Secretary of State regarding the retention of Mr. A. W. Dulles with the Commission, and desired that an additional sentence be added informing the Department that as Mr. Dulles was probably the best equipped man to act as Diplomatic Secretary to Mr. Polk, it was the purpose of the Commissioners to retain him for this duty. Retention of Mr. A. W. Dulles With the Commission

IX. Memorandum No. 462, dated July 11th, from the Committee on Personnel, was read.

While recognizing the importance of having properly qualified persons to undertake work on commissions in a technical capacity and familiarize themselves with the work with which they will be charged prior to the regular appointment of American members on such commissions, the Commissioners felt that it would be unwise to endeavor to retain any such persons who might be found available from the army forces of the United States in Europe, and that it would be impossible to attach any such persons to the Commission, as there were no funds available for this purpose. Appointment of American Members on the Commissions To Execute the Treaty of Peace

If the Committee on Personnel thought it desirable, the Commissioners did not object to Colonel Grant’s telephoning to G. H. Q. to arrange for the appointment of some officer by G. H. Q. to discuss with the Commission as to the availability of any army officers for commissions provided for in the Treaty with Germany.

X. Memorandum No. 463 in regard to certain recommendations submitted by Lieutenant Colonel Greene was read. Baltic Commission

The Commissioners expressed their disapproval of certain recommendations contained in the memorandum and referred the matter to General Bliss.

XI. Memorandum No. 464, regarding the proposed sale of arms, munitions and military equipment to Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania, submitted by Lieutenant Colonel Greene, was referred to General Bliss. Proposed Sale of Arms, Munitions and Military Equipment to Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania

XII. Memorandum No. 465, regarding the proposed sale of arms, munitions and military equipment by the Liquidation Commission to the Russian volunteer forces, submitted by Lieutenant Colonel Warwick Greene, was referred to General Bliss. Proposed Sale of Arms, Munitions and Military Equipment to Russian Volunteer Forces

XIII. The Commissioners approved the issuance of two cards of admission to the Crillon on July 14th, to M. Monod. Cards of Admission to Crillon on July 14th

  1. Consul General at Smyrna.