Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/109

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Thursday, July 10th, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. Lansing
    • Mr. White
    • General Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison

I. General Bliss read a letter which he had received from Mr. Pierrepont B. Noyes, American Rhineland Commissioner, in which Mr. Noyes recommended that some provision be made for the continuation of the intelligence service, now maintained by the Army, for the benefit of the American Rhineland Commissioner. Intelligence Service for the American Member of the Rhineland Commission

The matter was referred to General Bliss and the [Page 291] Commissioners requested that he be good enough to ascertain whether it would be possible for the American Forces of Occupation to continue this service.

In this connection the Commissioners expressed some doubt as to the desirability of recommending Mr. Pierrepont B. Noyes as permanent member of the American Commission to be set up under Article 2 of the Rhineland arrangement, and it was agreed that the Commissioners would recall the question of the appointment of the American Commissioner by telegraph to Mr. Lansing after his arrival in the United States.

II. The Commissioners approved and signed a letter to Major Patterson, Administrative Officer of the Commission, expressing their appreciation of his services. Mr. Lansing also signed a letter to the Secretary of War transmitting a copy of their joint letter to Major Patterson with a request that it be placed upon Major Patterson’s record. Letter of Appreciation to Major Patterson commissioners for His Services

III. Memorandum No. 452, dated July 10, 1919, from the Secretary General regarding the arrangements for the review of the parade on July 14th was read. Arrangements for the Parade on July 14th

The Commissioners approved the proposed arrangement regarding the assignment of rooms and windows on the first floor of the Hotel de Crillon and designated Lieut. Condon to take charge of the allotment of this space.
The Commissioners approved the proposed arrangement for the accommodation of the enlisted personnel of the Headquarters Battalion, the enlisted personnel of the Commission, and field clerks, on the roofs of the buildings at 4 and 10 Place de la Concorde. (It would be well to make sure that the buildings were capable of supporting the estimated number of 400 persons.)
The Commissioners approved the allotment of places to members of the Commission as stated in paragraphs 3 and 5.
The Commissioners approved the proposal that after filling requests of members of the Commission preference should be given for the remaining places as follows:
  • First—Request of the Embassy for 80 places.
  • Second—Request from Mr. Hoover for 160 places. (It was understood that Mr. Hoover’s request would apply only to regularly attached officials to the American Relief Administration.)
  • Third—Request of members of the Commission for personal guests.
The Commissioners approved the allotment of the seats in the Tribune to the members of the Commission who have applied therefor.
The Commissioners highly approved of the proposal that the balcony of Boom C–2 of 4 Place de la Concorde should be allotted [Page 292] to the President and shareholders of the company owning that building.

Mr. Lansing requested that seats in the Tribune should be allotted to the Misses Lansing who will return to the [one word illegible] Hotel next Sunday.

IV. The Commissioners disapproved Mr. Allen W. Dulles’ request for release from the Commission, desiring that he should stay for the time being, certainly until the arrival of Mr. Polk. (Memorandum No. 453.) Release of Mr. A. W. Dulles From the Commission

V. Memorandum No. 454 was read regarding the release of Lieut. A. V. Ferreira from the Commission.

The Commissioners noted Mr. Patchin’s statement that this officer’s services were no longer required and that the duties which he has been performing could be taken over by the Intelligence Officer on duty in the reception room. In view of Mr. Patchin’s statement, the Commissioners approved Lieut. Ferreira’s release from the Commission. Release of Lieut. A. V. Ferreira

VI. The communication from the French Minister of War requesting that the decorations on the facades of the buildings at 4 and 10 Place de la Concorde be made to harmonize with the decoration on the Ministry of Marine, was read, together with a note from Major DuBose estimating the cost in the change of the decorations at from 5,000 to 6,000 francs. Decoration of the Building at 4 and 10 Place de la Concorde

Before approving this expenditure, the Commissioners desired that it be ascertained whether it would not be possible to secure some of the necessary decorations, flags, etc. from the French Government. The Commissioners required that an exact estimate of the cost should be submitted before giving their approval.

VII. Memorandum No. 455 by Mr. Sweetser recommending that space should be allotted to ten members of the American Press with one guest apiece, was read. Allotment of Space to Members of the Press for the Parade on July 14th

The Commissioners approved of the allotment of ten tickets to the Press, and, if possible, of ten more tickets for their guests.

VIII. The Commissioners desired to be furnished with a statement of the various field missions now maintained by the Commission, the names of the various officers attached to these missions, their whereabouts and present duties. Field Missions