Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/106

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Tuesday, July 8th, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. Lansing
    • Mr. White
    • Gen. Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison
General Bliss recommended that Major General C. P. Summerall should be appointed the American representative on the Inter-Allied Commission to investigate the recent incidents at Fiume in accordance with a decision of the Council of Five taken at their meeting on July 7th.5 Inter-Allied Commission to Fiume
Mr. Lansing stated that he had just received from M. Clemenceau a copy of a ciphered telegram from General Savy, Commandant of the French troops at Fiume dated July 7, 1919. In this telegram General Savy reported that there had been further serious incidents; that one of the French base ports had been attacked by the Italian populace and Italian soldiers; that several French troops had been killed and wounded; that the details are not yet known; that the situation was very serious as the Italian troops were overwrought and that individual French officers had been attacked in billets and that a solution was most pressing. Further Reports on the Incidents at Fiume
Memorandum No. 444. The Commissioners approved the expenditure of $300.00 per week instead of $225.00 for the purpose of keeping open the New York office of the Committee on Public Information, and that the State Department should be informed of the matter. Maintenance of New York Office of the Committee on Public Information
Memorandum No. 445. The Commissioners approved the issuance of a passport to Mrs. Jadwin, wife of Brigadier-General Jadwin, subject to Army Regulations. Passport for Mrs. Jadwin
  1. See HD–1, vol. vii, p. 32.