
The Swiss Minister ( Sulzer ) to the Secretary of State

Sir: By direction of my Government, I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency the original text of a communication of the Government of the Republic of Bavaria.

A translation of this communication is also enclosed.

Accept [etc.]

Hans Sulzer

Translation of a Communication From the Government of Bavaria

In accordance with the terms of the armistice, the Government of the Republic of Bavaria is arranging for the removal, from the Palatinate, of the supplies of alcohol and other commodities stored there. In the interest of the maintenance of its very distressing economic situation, the Government of the Republic of Bavaria begs to earnestly solicit that the supplies, which cannot be removed within the time specified, be kept intact until the conclusion of peace.

Furthermore, the Military Authorities are not in a position to arrange for the repatriation of the numerous Russian prisoners of war, interned in the Palatinate. They recommend these prisoners to the protection of the Allies.

In conclusion, the Government of the Republic of Bavaria desires to call the attention of the Allies to the panic which has seized the population of the Palatinate for fear of being interned or deported to perform forced labor. The Government of the Republic of Bavaria is confident that the Allies will reassure the population of the Palatinate in this respect.