841.731 T 67/13a: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Davis )

3662. For Auchincloss from McCormick: In view of certain questions relating to the control of enemy trade which I would like to explain personally I hope that no change in the censorship will be made and that the status quo in that regard will be preserved until my arrival in Paris. The principal thing we have in mind is the maintenance of the Enemy Trading List and the enemy trade restrictions. While the maintenance of restrictions against enemy trade throughout the world is probably not properly speaking a blockade measure in the usual sense of that term, it does operate indirectly as a blockade by preventing the immediate revival of German commerce throughout the world and the consequent accrual of assets which will become available to Germany immediately upon the conclusion of peace. If it is desirable to continue these restrictions upon enemy trade in Latin America and other parts of the world, it seems essential that we continue the censorship.
