Paris Peace Conf. 863.5019/1
The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall ) to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received December 18.]
Sirs: With reference to previous communications regarding the shortage of coal in Austria generally and in the city of Vienna in particular, I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a communication from Baron Slatin enclosing a telegram which he has received from German Austria signed by the Lord Mayor of Vienna and Mr. Bauer, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. This telegram implores Baron Slatin to intervene with the American and British Legations in Berne in order that pressure may be brought on the Czecho-Slovak Government to allow coal to be forwarded to Vienna. This telegram adds that the shortage is no longer a question of days but of hours; the population of a city of two million people cannot starve and freeze in darkness; order cannot be kept in Vienna under such conditions and food will hold out until the end of this month.
I have [etc.]