Paris Peace Conf. 184.023/3
The Diplomatic Liaison Officer With the Supreme War
Council (
) to Brigadier General C.
H. McKinstry
, December 6,
My Dear General McKinstry: I enclose herewith a
copy of a letter just received from the Minister for Foreign Affairs in
connection with the estimate of damages caused to invaded parts of France by
the German Army of occupation.
Sincerely yours,
[Page 583]
The French Minister for Foreign Affairs
) to Colonel E. M.
Dossier: P. 1–3
, December
5, 1918.
My Dear Colonel: I have the honor to inform
you that I have noted with pleasure the request of the Government of the
United States which you took up with me in your letter of November
30.7 I immediately
transmitted it to the two French Ministers who have in charge the
evaluation of damages in the departments of France which suffered
invasion: M. Loucheur, Minister of National Reconstruction and M.
Lebrun, Minister for the Liberated Regions.
General McKinstry may communicate with my colleagues who will furnish him
with all available information.
I would also remark that the question is extremely complicated arid that
the research required to estimate the damage done by Germany in France
will of necessity be long and will require an extensive investigation.
This investigation has begun and in its continuance brings up each day
new evidence showing losses to be greater than we had previously
Accept [etc.]