Paris Peace Conf. 875.00/32

The Embassy in France to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

The American Embassy in Paris presents its compliments to the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, and has the honor to transmit herewith copy and translation of a note of December 30th 1918 from the Italian Embassy concerning the present situation in Albania.


The Italian Embassy in France to the American Embassy

A meeting of prominent Albanians of all the provinces was recently held at Durazzo to express their national aspirations, and after a long discussion, voted the constitution of a provisional Government under the leadership of Tourkhan Pacha.

General Piacentini has received instructions from the Italian Government to notify this assembly for its own information that the Government of the King advised them that the definite settlement of the political situation of Albania would be determined by the decisions of the Peace Congress, and that, consequently, there was no reason to take action prior to those decisions. This being established, the Italian Government reserves for itself the right to examine ulteriorly the respective positions between the Italian Military authorities and this new organisation, as well as its legal position and the arrangement of its composition and of its functions. The Italian Government has not in principle any objection to recognise from now on the right of this organisation to call itself the interpreter of Albanian national aspirations.

The Italian Royal Embassy at Paris is instructed, and has the honor to inform the Embassy of the United States of the preceding, and asks it to inform the Federal Government.