
The Acting Secretary of State to the Italian Chargé ( Miniscalchi-Erizzo )

My Dear Mr. Chargé d’affaires: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your note of December 4, 1918, in which you state that the Supreme Command in Italy, with a view to insuring to a better degree the demobilization of the army in Austria-Hungary, to facilitate the repatriation of interned subjects and war prisoners, to gather data that may be of use at the Peace Conference, and to exercise the control of the railroads, deems it necessary to establish at Vienna a Central Commission with sub-commissions for its various branches, which Commission and Sub-commissions should include representatives of the Allies for all questions pertaining to them. You add that you are instructed by your Government to bring this matter at once to the attention of the United States Government and to urge that they participate in the Commission and Sub-commissions.

In reply I beg to advise you that it has been decided that this matter will be handled in Paris through the representatives of the United States and other powers in that City.

I am [etc.]

Frank L. Polk