
The Italian Chargé ( Miniscalchi-Erizzo ) to the Acting Secretary of State 12a

My Dear Mr. Polk: In order to better ensure the Austro-Hungarian demobilization, to facilitate the reimpatriation of interned subjects and war prisoners, to gather data that may be of use at the Peace Conference, and to exercise the control of railways, the Supreme Command would deem it necessary to establish at Vienna a Central Commission with Sub-Commission for its various branches. The Central Commission as well as the Sub-Commissions, should include representatives of the Allies for all questions pertaining to them.

As it appears urgent to put this plan into effect, leaving it to the superior officers indicated by the Supreme Command to determine [Page 199] its modalities, its constitution and its functions, I am requested by the Royal Government to call, with the least possible delay, the attention of the United States Government on this matter, and to recommend that they participate in the said Commissions.

I shall therefore be much obliged to you for a reply as early as practicable on this subject, that I would hasten to communicate to Rome.

Thanking you in advance, I am [etc.]

F. Miniscalchi
  1. Transmitted to Colonel House in Department’s telegram No. 147, Dec. 7, 1918, 9 p.m. (not printed).