File No. 872.51/37

The Secretary of State to the Special Agent in Corfu ( Dodge )


Your August 9. Following from Secretary of the Treasury for your further information:

[Page 599]

A credit of $3,000,000 has been established in favor of Serbian Government to be made available upon fulfillment by it of certain conditions with respect to its disbursement and to cover a period of approximately three months. One million dollars of this amount, which has been advanced and which is the sum referred to in our previous despatches, is for relief purposes, the exact details of which the Treasury is quite willing to leave to Serbian Government with your cooperation and visé, the American Minister at Berne cooperating in a similar manner as to that portion to be expended in territory occupied by enemy, through Switzerland. The second $1,000,000 is to be made available for purchase of food and sanitary materials by American Red Cross to be distributed by American, Serbian, and Swiss Red Cross for relief of interned Serbians and Serbian prisoners of war. The third $1,000,000 will be advanced for purchase of telegraphic and railway materials when details for these needs shall have been laid before the Department. This despatch has been communicated to Serbian Minister here.
