File No. 872.51/34

The Special Agent in Corfu ( Dodge) to the Secretary of State 1


Your 4th communicated to Minister for Foreign Affairs who wishes to know whether the entire $1,000,000 mentioned could not be made available to the Servian Government as follows: A portion at their discretion to be expended by the Dutch or preferably Swiss Red Cross under the direction Servian Red Cross, the latter being better situated geographically for the relief of Servian prisoners of war and interned civilians held in enemy territory or in Servian territory occupied by the enemy, the remainder to be at the disposal of Servian Government for the relief, wherever they may be found, (1) of families of soldiers, (2) of needy persons of the liberal professions and their families, and (3) of war invalids and their families, persons of these three categories having the greatest need of relief. Minister for Foreign Affairs believes one million dollars is sufficient when distributing organizations complete to furnish this relief during approximately two months. Unless before then further funds for the same purpose can be advanced, he would prefer that the other million dollars to be advanced for purchase of material, according to telegram received from the Servian Minister at Washington, also should be made available wholly for relief of same categories as first million. No need for soldiers as they are supported by British and French Governments. Minister for Foreign Affairs states that need of funds is immediate and that he desires to conform entirely to the view of the United States regarding their expenditure. He will gladly confer with me regarding expenditure, sending me accounts for visa. I shall be very glad to be kept informed regarding relief in Servia of American Red Cross. Recent reports received by the Servian Government show very bad situation of Servian prisoners and interned.

  1. Copy transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury on Aug. 14.