File No. 763.72114/3056
The Serbian Minister ( Michaïlovitch) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: On account of the grave situation of the Serbian prisoners of war in enemy countries, owing to the inability of the Serbian Government to give them sufficient aid and help whilst the other Allied Governments furnished their own prisoners with all necessities, the Serbian Government had contemplated offering the enemy to exchange sound prisoners, perhaps with the provision that they be interned, deeming this the only alternative to save the Serbian prisoners from continual starvation. The Serbian Government would, in this regard, assume a great responsibility before the Parliament, should it not make every endeavour to equalise the situation of the Serbian prisoners with that of the prisoners of the other Allies. Up to the present day, Serbia has lost in the war one-fourth of her entire population, and therefore, her greatest care lies in the preservation of every one of her citizens.
The British Government, in an exchange of views regarding this question with the Serbian Government, suggested that it would be best if the American Red Cross would assume the whole care of the Serbian prisoners through its organisations, and communicated this plan to the Ambassador of the United States in London.
[Page 600]The Serbian Government would gladly agree to, and highly appreciate it, if the United States Government would approve that the American Red Cross take completely into its own hands the provisioning of the Serbian prisoners in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria, so that, in this respect, they may be placed on an even basis with the prisoners of our allies. Of course, the monetary means necessary for this purpose would be placed at the organisation’s disposal by the Serbian Government.
In communicating the above to you, I have the honour to beg that you give this matter your favourable consideration, and that you use your influence that the Government of the United States decide it in a satisfactory manner.
I beg to renew [etc.]