File No. 872.51/33

The Acting Secretary of State to the Special Agent in Corfu ( Dodge)


From Secretary of the Treasury:

The proceeds, in francs, of $1,000,000 lent to the Serbian Government here is to be transferred by the Serbian Minister to Paris, where it is to be made available to the Serbian Government as follows: A portion of this sum is to be expended by the Dutch or Swiss Red Cross organizations, under the direction of the Serbian Red Cross, for the relief of Serbian subjects either interned in enemy territory or held as prisoners of war in Serbian territory now occupied by the enemy. The remainder of the $1,000,000 referred to is to be placed at the disposal of the Serbian Government for the relief of Serbian soldiers and their families who may be in portions of Serbia still under the control of that Government.

The Secretary of the Treasury requests that you confer with the Serbian Government as to these latter expenditures and vise the accounts rendered by them.

In addition to these funds, the American Red Cross will receive certain funds from the Government of the United States, to be added to their own allocations for relief in Serbia, and will administer these combined funds. We will ask them also to confer with you so that you may have a general knowledge of all these operations.
