File No. 763.72112/4492

The Secretary of State to the Secretary of the Navy ( Darnels)

Sir: I have the honor to enclose, for your consideration, copies of British Treaty Series, 1915, Nos. 2 and 4; 1916, No. 5; 1917, No. 6; together with copies of a note, dated August 10, 1917, from the British Foreign Office, and of a despatch from the American Ambassador at London, transmitting the same, relative to a convention entered into by Great Britain and France and acceded to by Russia and Italy, concerning prizes captured during the present European War.1

Your attention is called to the provisions of this convention, and particularly to articles 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. I would be pleased to have an expression of your views as to whether or not it would be desirable for this Government to enter into a separate agreement of this nature with Great Britain or with any of the other Allied European Powers, and if so, as to the provisions to be contained in such an agreement.

I have [etc.]

Robert Lansing
  1. Not printed.