File No. 656.119/834c
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Netherlands ( Bliss)
2211. For Edwards [from War Trade Board]:
No. 75. Department is cabling decision to support British in request that Dutch negotiations be held at London. While we would have preferred that these negotiations be held at Washington and feel that a more satisfactory agreement could be reached here, it seemed to us, in view of the strong position of the British in favor of London and of the fact that last winter’s negotiations were held there, it would be unwise to insist on Washington. This was particularly the case since we are insisting that the Swiss negotiations be held at Washington, although British and French strongly favor Paris or Berne. We therefore determined to concur in British view relative to place of Dutch negotiations, rather than to set up an opposition to their view, which we felt would hardly be successful and which would undoubtedly create undesirable friction.