File No. 656.119/605a
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain ( Laughlin)
8397. For Sheldon [from War Trade Board], for Taylor:
No. 719. Further consideration of Dutch situation confirms us in view discussed with you prior to your departure, that unless prospect [Page 1506] of coming to immediate agreement with Dutch Government, Associated Governments should promptly determine among themselves the commodities which they propose to put at the disposal of the Netherlands and the terms under which such commodities will become available, and that thereupon this offer should be presented to the Netherlands Government and made public. In view of the gravity of the ship situation of northern neutrals owing to Germany’s new prize-court rulings, we think that action of the above character should be promptly taken so as to create a situation where public opinion will force Netherlands Government to send out its ships to lift the commodities, which under the terms of a proposal of Associated Governments will be put at the disposal of the Netherlands. Suggest you obtain Garrett’s opinion on foregoing.