File No. 656.119/342
The Netherland Minister ( Philips) to the Chairman of the War Trade Board ( McCormick)1
April 1, 1918.
My Dear Mr. McCormick: There are a few points in connection with the seizure of the Dutch ships which it seems desirable to clear up.
- 1.
- What is going to be done about the cargoes? I suppose these are not comprised in the seizure. Who is to pay for the expense of unloading, storage, insurance and eventual reloading? What is to be done with regard to perishable cargoes?
- 2.
- Several of the ships were under charter to the Shipping Board. Do you consider those charters as subsisting or as cancelled?
- 3.
- In what manner is the trade between Dutch East and West Indian ports and the United States and Holland to be safeguarded? Which Dutch ships will be available for this trade?
- 4.
- Will you cooperate in having Lloyd’s agencies in the various ports make a report regarding the conditions of the ships? In that case I shall instruct the Dutch consuls in the various ports accordingly.
- 5.
- Will you have the inventories of the various ships made up by the captains or owners, checked, and, if correct, signed as such by the American authorities?
I need not point out, that whatever may be the divergency in the views of our two Governments regarding the seizure, it seems equally desirable for both that the above points be settled without delay.
I am [etc.]
Aug. Philips
- Copy received from the War Trade Board, Apr. 6.↩