File No. 656.119/1191

The Netherlands Minister ( Van Rappard) to the Secretary of State

No. 2014


In accordance with instructions from my Government I have applied first to the Secretary of State and eventually on the 28th of February to the President of the United States, requesting that we should be allowed pending the negociations about the so-called “definite agreement” to ship to Holland a quantity of say 100,000 tons of foodstuffs, in the first place the cargoes of the Dutch steamers Merak and Noord-Brabant under the promise that the oil cakes forming part of those cargoes and really intended for cattle fodder should be used for human food.

The President promised me that he would take the matter up with his advisers in the War Trade Board and that I should get a reply from that body.

Up till now I am without such a reply and I should very much appreciate if it could now be given without much further delay.

[No signature indicated]