File No. 657.119/931
The Minister in Norway ( Schmedeman), temporarily at Washington, to the Secretary of State
Sir: In accordance with your request of Saturday I have the honor to repeat the remarks made to me by Mr. Ihlen3 on July 23, 1918, when I took leave of him before coming to the United States.
[Page 1199]He requested me to inform the President and the Secretary of State that he wished to thank them over and over again for the fairness with which the American Government had treated Norway during the entire negotiations. He said that he was joined in these expressions of thanks by the whole Cabinet and that they were all more than pleased with the interpretation of the agreement and the way in which it is working now. He said, further, “It is hardly necessary for me to tell you of the feeling of sympathy and admiration that almost every Norwegian has for America and that the relationship between Norway and the United States is better today than it has ever been.”
I also called on the Prime Minister the same day. He asked me to say to the President that the neutrals feel that the peace which President Wilson stands for will be a peace that all neutrals will be satisfied with.
I have [etc.]
- Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs.↩