File No. 657.119/484
The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission ( Nansen) to the War Trade Board
Sirs: Referring to article 3, section 1, concerning the collecting of fish caught at sea, I hereby beg to inform you on behalf of the Norwegian Government that the names of any such collecting vessels before being so employed shall be communicated to the Norwegian Director of Fisheries from whom the accredited representative of the War Trade Board at any time shall have the opportunity to obtain full information in this respect. The Norwegian Government will make necessary arrangements preventing the possibility of transferring fishing boats to the flag of any other country during the continuance of this agreement.
In order to prevent the diversion of any fish caught by vessels sailing under the Norwegian flag or transferred at sea to collecting vessels written guarantees will be secured from shipowners for the proper observance of the rules and regulations set forth in the agreement between the War Trade Board and the Norwegian Government dated April 30,1 and in case of breach of such guarantee any owner, captain or other person responsible for the forwarding shipment or carriage of said fish who does anything or connives at anything which permits such fish to reach any other destination than Norway shall be severely punished by fines or imprisonment according to Norwegian law. No oil or imported equipment of any kind shall be sold or delivered to any fishing boat or collecting vessel without written guarantees from owners or masters for the observance of the rules set forth in said agreement stipulating that in case of breach fines of not less than double the value of the fish diverted shall be imposed.
Yours truly,
- Supra. ↩