File No. 763.72112/10609

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall)


3316. Legation’s 5490, October 30, 3 p.m., 238 from Dresel [ Heck?]. Department does not desire that the United States should make a formal demand upon the Swiss Government that that Government itself recognize the statutory list of the United States, although no objection is perceived to the S[ociété] S[uisse de] S[urveillance Economique], a private institution acting primarily as consignee of goods received from the Associated Governments, recognizing our statutory list. It is suggested, therefore, that the last phrase of the French project of note to the Swiss Government be changed to read substantially as follows:

The four Governments have the honor to propose to the Federal Government that the Federal Government withdraw any objections which it may have entertained to the acceptance by the S.S.S. of the annexed proposal.

Provided this change is acceptable to your British, French, and Italian colleagues, you are authorized to join with them in presentation of the note as amended in accordance with the foregoing. [Page 1078] This cable is sent after conference with Dresel and he approves of the same. A copy of this cable is being sent to McFadden.
