File No. 763.72112/10715
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 9, 2.24 a.m.]
5766. War Trade Board [from McFadden]:
No. 575. Referring Department’s 6124 [6123], October 31, 7 p.m., your 408 [409].1 We are [have] submitted substance of this telegram and are informally advised by the French Government (1) that the words, “Where payment has been made,” are intended to cover only cases where payment essentially in full has been made; (2) that in the case where “merchandise is in transit” if the merchandise in question is moving from the listed party to France, no payment will be permitted by the French national to the listed party; (3) that they are telegraphing their representative in Washington in this sense; (4) that they are telegraphing their representative in London requesting him to urge British Government to agree to your proposals. McFadden.