File No. 763.72112A/2059a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France ( Sharp)


4911. For McFadden [from Fuller, War Trade Board]:

No. 171. Stetson. Following resolution adopted War Trade Board on recommendation Bureau War Trade Intelligence:

Resolved that War Trade Board approve in principle creation of enemy trading list for Switzerland, provided same shall be applied in manner not inconsistent with terms of agreement of December 5, 1917, between War Trade Board and Government of Switzerland relative to distribution in accordance with regulations of Société Suisse de Surveillance Economique.1

Further resolved that no such list shall be actually published or made effective until approval of War Trade Board representative at Berne has been secured.

Will you cooperate with your colleagues in preparation of this list, communicate text of resolution to War Trade Board representative, Berne, keep him advised of progress in compiling list, when list is prepared ask that his approval be telegraphed Washington for publication same? Fuller.
