File No. 763.72112A/725

The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State


9131. War Trade Board [from Frothingham]:

No. 310. Fuller. … In view this final adjustment of the sta[tutory] list for Europe and N[etherlands] E[ast] I[ndies] to conform with e[nemy] t[rading] l[ist], Foreign Office urges your particular consideration of recognizing enemy nationality as cause for e[nemy] t[rading] l[ist] inclusion to enable quick publication certain urgent cases when other evidence not immediately available. They recite own experience in changing to such cause after year of experience under rules similar to our present ones. For above reason, plus fact French recognize enemy nationality as first cause, continued pressure from French, who were objecting account alleged discrimination from such variation in lists, hastened British decision. Feeling here is that similar consideration would apply in Washington. Frothingham.
