File No. 652.119/22
The Chairman of the Exports Administrative Board2 ( McCormick) to the Assistant to the Counselor for the Department of State ( Auchincloss)
Dear Gordon: Your letter of the 7th received concerning request of the Spanish Government for license for the exportation of an [Page 1206] additional 25,000 tons of coal per steamers Sardinero and Hercules from Norfolk, Va.1 I suggested to Mr. Polk that before agreeing to issue the licenses for these applications that we communicate with the Spanish Government and endeavor to secure an equal amount of tonnage of pyrites for the return trip of these vessels. We are sorely in need of tonnage for this commodity and must put forth every effort to secure same. I have written to the Shipping Board about this matter, but hope you can assist in making this arrangement.
Yours very truly,