File No. 763.72119/602

The Minister in Denmark ( Egan) to the Secretary of State


672. Immediately before the Chancellor addressed Reichstag in response to the interpellations made by the Conservatives and the [Page 66] Socialists relative to Germany’s war aims Scheidemann addressed the session in part as follows:

An early understanding of peace would be a blessing for Europe. Ninety-nine per cent of all people are looking hopefully to Stockholm. If France and England decided to drop their plans of annexation and Germany would insist upon a policy of conquest a revolution would break out in this country immediately. (Cries of “Down with him!” Storm of disapproval ran over the hall.)

Well, we have not reached this point yet. The enemy will not give up their plans of annexation. A peace should be concluded which is justifiable to all parties. I am perfectly convinced that no peace will be concluded before the boundaries of Europe have been regulated. But this must be accomplished through a mutual understanding. Long live peace and a free Europe!
