File No. 763.72/4677½

The Secretary of State to the Japanese Ambassador ( Sato )

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: In view of the very informal character of our conversation on the 12th regarding the possibility of Japan sending a mission to this country I would not, even in the most unofficial and private way, presume to suggest subjects which might be discussed with them.

I think, in case your Government should deem it wise to send a mission, that they might follow the course of Great Britain and France and merely ask whether a commission to express appreciation of our entry into the war would be agreeable to this Government. I do not think that it would be wise to go further at present. If commissioners should come they would be at liberty of course to take up other matters.

As to the Root commission’s possible visit to Japan on their homeward journey, nothing has been settled but I hope and expect to arrange it.

Very sincerely yours,

Robert Lansing