File No. 763.72119/630

The Minister in Sweden ( Morris) to the Secretary of State


416. Swedish telegram bureau publishes to-day following proclamation:

russian labor-military council’s1 executive committee, petrograd, june 3

April 28 [March 27], Council appealed to entire world urging to common decisive action for peace. Labor-Military Party and entire democracy have inscribed on banners peace without annexations or indemnity founded on right all nations decide own fate. Russian democracy forced first Provisional Government acknowledge this program and events May 3, 4, have shown Government not allowed deviate from this on demand Council. This made first point program second Government. May 9 Council decided take initiative convening international Socialist conference and May 15 Council appealed all Socialists make peace. Council considers stopping war and establishment international peace cannot be attained by democracy except through united international efforts all organizations all countries against general massacre. First necessary decisive step organization such international movement is calling international conference whose most important task should be agreement between Socialist representatives regarding abolishment of sacred union with governments and imperialist classes which precludes all change [chance] peace, international agreement for abolishing this policy necessary for organization struggle for peace on broad international basis. Conference made necessary by mutual vital interests all people. Labor parties and organizations of this opinion and prepared unite efforts realize it are invited take part conference called by Council. Labor-Military Council convinced all accepting invitation will bind themselves unconditionally carry out all decisions conference which will be held Stockholm, June 28 to July 8.

  1. Council of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies.