File No. 763.72/7782
The Minister in China (
Reinsch) to
the Secretary of State
No. 1672
October 15, 1917.
[Received November 19.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose copies of
a memorandum from the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the
Ministers of Great Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Italy, Belgium
and Portugal, which was handed to the latter on October 6.3 It contains the answer of the Chinese Government
to the joint memorandum of the Ministers, which was communicated to
you with my despatch No. 1635 of September 27.4
It will be seen that the Chinese Government answers in a friendly
spirit, but does not yet commit itself to specific action except in
the matter of promulgating a tariff for countries without treaties,
and the establishment of so-called Sino-Foreign trade marts in the
old German and Austrian concessions at Tientsin and Hankow. The
Minister of Foreign Affairs has stated to me that for the time being
[Page 702]
the Chinese Government
will take only necessary measures of regulation with respect to
resident enemy subjects; herein it will follow the practice of the
United States and Japan, taking protective measures only, and
reserving for the future more general prohibition of trade and the
general internment of enemy subjects. The views of the American
Government on this subject, as expressed in your telegraphic
instructions of September 20, 4 p.m.,1 were at the time brought to the attention of
the Chinese Government.
I have [etc.]
The Chinese Ministry of
Foreign Affairs to the British,
French, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Belgium, and
Portuguese Legations
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of a memorandum stating that the Governments of the
seven powers have severally agreed to the three measures
proposed by this Government and to express the gratitude of this
Government therefor. The eight measures which the seven
Ministers proposed that the Chinese Government should put into
force have been considered in detail and replies have now been
drawn up as follows:
- A.
- In reference to the promulgation of a general tariff
for the countries without treaties—the same has been
drawn up and is about to be promulgated.
- B.
- Measures B and D are related. China now proposes to
promulgate special regulations on the subject of the
industrial enterprises and commercial establishments of
enemy subjects. Where a Chinese inspection has shown
that they should be closed they will be closed and
officials appointed specially to administer them.
- C.
- In reference to the matter of the Chinese Government
taking strict protective measures against enemy
subjects—if plots are discovered the plotters will be
interned. It is now proposed to have the Ministry of the
Interior draw up detailed regulations upon which all
action will be based. In addition to the sequestration
of enemy vessels and the confiscation at various times
of wireless stations and contraband of war, severe
measures will also be taken to prohibit the holding of
meetings and the formation of societies.
- E.
- The Chinese Government is now arranging to have the
old German and Austrian concessions at Tientsin and
Hankow thoroughly reorganized, so as to enable the
nationals of the different powers residing therein to
enjoy all commercial advantages as well as a system of
local self-government, with the object of securing such
[Page 703]
a perfect
organization as to constitute the said areas into model
voluntarily opened Sino-Foreign trade marts. Attention
will moreover be paid to the end of the war, in order to
prevent the said areas from reverting to the status of
special concessions.
- F.
- The Chinese Government has already leased the detained
enemy merchant vessels to the Ta Ta Kung Ssu. Except for
those vessels kept by the Government for its own
requirements, assistance will be given to the Allied
powers to arrange special sub-leases from the Ta Ta Kung
- G.
- The Chinese Government in drawing up regulations will
adopt the regulations now in force in the other
countries in order to avoid a diversity of
- H.
- The Chinese Government will cooperate with the Allied
powers to the extent of its power in respect to action
in connection with the war.
The above measures having been decided upon by the Chinese
Government will be separately put into force as conditions may
determine, so that the wishes of the different powers may be
With compliments.