Food Administrator’s File

The Food Administrator ( Hoover) to the British Food Controller ( Rhondda)


Referring your recent cablegrams we will arrange after September 5 for purchase balance Cuban crop one-third for you, two-thirds for us. Amount available less than we anticipated. You arrange Canada withdraw from Cuban market. Buying of new Cuban crop and equitable distribution thereof should have immediate attention. Will you agree to place your entire purchases raw and refined sugar from Cuba and America in hands of New York committee of five persons provided we can arrange for all American buyers purchase through same committee? … Committee to have full power to apportion Cuban crop to various countries on equitable basis, that is on average of shipments to various countries from America and Cuba during years 1916–17. Committee to be appointed to be appointees Food Administration, you naming two, we naming two, with Rolph, head of our Sugar Department, acting as chairman. Cable your approval naming your selections. …

Herbert Hoover