File No. 103.95/124

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page)


5840. For Bainbridge Colby:

For your information the Shipping Board have gone carefully into the petroleum and tank steamer tonnage situation with the Petroleum Committee and are convinced, after mature consideration that in order to meet existing conditions an entire readjustment with respect to the employment of tank steamers must be immediately made. Only 30 per cent of the total British tanker tonnage now being engaged in the direct war service between the United States and England. The Shipping Board have therefore laid down the following policy:

In view of the great scarcity of tank steamer tonnage, the constantly increasing demands for petroleum products by all the Allied [Page 638] Governments and the prospective maximum requirements of the Army and Navy of the United States, the Shipping Board feels that it is imperative that—

These requirements be supplied from the nearest source so as to reduce the length of all voyages to the absolute minimum.
In view of the representations which have been made as to the immediate necessities of building up stocks all British tankers arriving at ports in the United States or France during the next 90 days make at least one voyage to the United States and return loaded with petroleum products. This will make protection against the future certain. Policy ends.

In pursuance of this program, L. I. Thomas, representing the Shipping Board, and Commander Foley will, proceed at once to London to determine the exact British situation, bringing documents and data for your information. They will report to you on arrival. If after their arrival you should feel that it is desirable that one or more members of the Petroleum Committee should go to London to further explain the American tonnage and petroleum situation so that the British Government may realize and understand that the policy now adopted by the Shipping Board is the only one which will result in assuring the supplies necessary to meet the requirements of the Allied Governments and the United States, kindly cable us and we will so arrange. Hurley, Chairman, Shipping Board.
