File No. 868.51 War Credits /25

The Secretary of State to the French Ambassador ( Jusserand)

No. 2009

Excellency: Referring to your note of the 9th ultimo,1 in regard to the suggested conferences to be held in Athens and Paris on the subject of Greek finances I have the honor to inform you, after consulting [Page 588] the Secretary of the Treasury in the matter, that it is not considered possible to send a qualified financial representative of the United States to Athens to take part in the conference and that the United States would prefer not to be represented in such conference by a diplomatic or other representative, who, necessarily at this distance could not be made familiar with the views of the Secretary of the Treasury.

With respect to the conference at Paris concerning financial aid to be given to Greece it is preferred by us that the necessary investigation should be made by the French and British Governments, who could submit, for the consideration of the Secretary of the Treasury, any recommendations they might have to make for cooperation by the United States in the matter of extending financial aid to Greece.

It is suggested by the Secretary of the Treasury that in view of the presence in Europe of Mr. Crosby, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, in connection with the Inter-Allied Council it would be well for the French and British Governments to inform him as to the facts and as to any recommendation which they may have to make in order that Mr. Crosby may communicate his views to the Secretary of the Treasury.

I have this day cabled to the American Ambassadors in Paris and London in this sense for the information of the French and British Governments, respectively.

Accept [etc.]

Robert Lansing
  1. Ante, p. 576.