File No. 855.51/6
The Belgian Minister ( De Cartier) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 8.]
Sir: It is the desire of my Government to negotiate with your Government for a loan of $90,000,000, under the conditions which are expressed in the act of Congress, approved April 24, 1917; and to [Page 527] that end, I would be obliged if you would kindly put me into communication with the Secretary of the Treasury, in order that further details may be presented to him.
In the meanwhile, I wish to state that I have received from my Government powers to act in the matter, which are expressed in the following terms, viz.:
The Belgian Government does hereby confer upon E. de Cartier, Minister Plenipotentiary of Belgium to the United States of America, the fullest power to contract for a loan or loans from the Government of the United States, to settle the conditions and the amount thereof, both as regards method of repayment, interest and terms, and to settle any other matters necessary in the premises; the power is also conferred upon him to sign, in its name and for it, the certificate of indebtedness and to issue receipts for such sums which shall be credited to the Royal Belgian Government and to do any acts that may be necessary in order to comply with section 2 of the Act of Congress approved April 24, 1917.
This power is available for inspection by the Secretary of the Treasury and will be shown to him at his request.
Please accept [etc.]