File No. 763.72119/1023
The British Embassy to the Department of State 1
An agent has been sent to Switzerland, according to confidential information received by the British Minister at Berne, for the purpose of letting Great Britain know officieusement that if she is prepared to enter into officieuses conversations on the subject of peace, the Austrian Government would pledge their honour that the matter would be kept secret. Count Czernin would be ready to make an immediate declaration that, in spite of the recent Austrian success against Italy, the integrity of Italian territory as it existed before the war will be guaranteed.
The British Minister at Berne has been instructed to advise his informant that he is convinced that peace can only be discussed by His Majesty’s Government with their Allies but that if the Austrian Government have a definite proposal to make, he will forward it. The French, Italian and Russian representatives at Berne will be informed by the British Minister of what has passed.
- Memorandum attached by the Assistant Secretary of State Nov. 5: “This secret memo was handed to me this morning by Mr. Robertson of the British Embassy. He said that it was received in the Embassy on Saturday, November 3, but a further telegram just received says that Count Czernin has sent a further communication to the British to the effect that the German-Austrian drive into Italy does not alter the proposition made in his first communication. The British Embassy seems convinced of Count Czernin’s bona fides with regard to his pledge. W.P.”↩