File No. 763.72119/8446
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 23, 8 p.m.]
1892. Think on good authority that Italy, France, and possibly England made demand that representation included in Allied conference be confined to one civilian from each Government, thus excluding Skobelev named by the Council of Workmen and Soldiers to accompany Minister of Foreign Affairs. Latter stated to the Council of Ministers would decline attending unless Russia could have undivided representation thereat. November 15 is the date fixed therefor but Minister of Foreign Affairs very secretly endeavoring to postpone to the 22d to enable him to confer with the English and the French Ministers Foreign Affairs previously, and perhaps with our representative whom he hopes will be Secretary of State.
The Executive Committee of Workmen, Soldiers have given detailed instructions to Skobelev embracing territorial questions, providing referendum for Alsace-Lorraine, Belgium restoration with losses compensated by an international fund; restoration of German colonies etc.; freedom of the seas which neutralizes Suez and Panama Canals and also all straits leading to interior seas; contributions which prohibit belligerents demanding compensation for losses directly or indirectly; economic conditions which prohibit economic blockade after war and accord rights of most-favored nation to all states without distinction; guarantees of peace which abolish secret diplomacy and secret treaties; disarmament on land and sea; the way of peace, which requires that Allies enter upon peace negotiations soon as adversary expresses willingness to begin under condition of renunciation by all parties of all violent conquests, and prohibit Allies undertaking secret peace negotiations except in congress where all neutral countries participate.
[Page 277]Delegate also instructed to require all obstacles to Stockholm socialistic conference be removed and passports issued to all delegates desiring to participate therein.