File No. 763.72/7115

The Minister in the Netherlands ( Garrett) to the Secretary of State


1435. German press summary. Berlin papers received Czernin’s speech very favorably.

Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung writes: In advocating future regulation international affairs, Czernin stands on firm ground of what Austria-Hungary has attained in war. Austria-Hungary has proven in battle right to live and defend her place in society of nations. She can now offer hand for agreement on basis mutual recognition vital national rights and this applies likewise to other [Page 225] members of our alliance. Czernin’s expectation that enemy war aims will be still further contracted, accords without [with our?] joint position of strength. He opposes strong words of enemy statesmen with strong facts which admit our conciliatory language and leave no doubt on fact we shall not be bound by present program in case enemy wish continuance war. We await evidence of new spirit from the other side.

Vossische Zeitung terms speech last call for accommodation peace and states Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung article shows Germany recognizes correctness Czernin’s tactics.

Deutsche Tageszeitung apprehends speech will encourage enemy and prolong war.

Berliner Tageblatt fully agrees with Czernin on possibility and necessity limitation of armaments and says Czernin in singling out great and decisive questions of future shows statesmanlike insight unbiased by purely military considerations or pacifistic dreams or [of?] Utopias and points straight to great object which we, with him, are convinced can be reached because it must be reached.

Germania considers speech document of greatest political importance which for first time exposes profound meaning and far-reaching objects of peace by accommodation and gives substance to idea of world reform heretofore dismissed as Utopian.

Lokal-Anzeiger doubts practicability of Czernin’s demobilization plans but says speech is bound to make deep impression on Entente as no enemy statesman has ever spoken with such sincere peace feeling as Czernin. Czernin’s conferences in Berlin showed German Government completely in accord.

Pesti Napló reports Czernin’s speech submitted to Emperor Charles and approved.

Vorwärts editorial on Belgium says pressure German peace movement in direction statement regarding Belgium would be incomparably stronger and simply irresistible were it clear that with the removal of all doubts regarding Belgium the last obstacle to peace negotiations would fall. At present it is felt in Germany that any statement regarding Belgium would be greeted with same ridicule as all other peace offers and looked upon as sign of weakness. This manner of treating things greatly encumbers German peace movement. We Socialists don’t need to say we want free Belgium in any circumstances but give us visible sign straight road to peace leads across free Belgium and all Germany will stand up for Belgium. A statement excluding all possible doubt will be made and the road to peace will be clear.

Socialist Ernest Heilmann writing in Chemnitz Volksstimme rejects idea continental coalition against England, continental coalition with Russia, and says peace of understanding is only possible with [Page 226] English-German agreement. Continental coalition against England could only be formed by continuing submarine war until England’s decisive defeat. Alliance with Russia could only be considered as means to general peace but now Russia has failed and is closer than ever to England. Early peace is only possible through establishment German-English understanding and community of interests. We must now pursue this course by surrendering Belgium and other territory of importance to England. Next few weeks will probably show whether this course is the right one or whether England persists in plan complete overthrow of Germany.

Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitung quotes editorial Springfield Republican depreciatory of Japan’s help in war.

Vorwärts comments on uncommonly high infant mortality in Berlin this year, attributing it to poor quality milk. Statistics show mortality nearly 7 per cent higher this year than last.
