File No. 763.72119/794
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 1, 3.50 p.m.]
For the President:
May I heartily commend your answer to the Pope’s peace note published in the Paris press to-day. It has met with general approval not only in editorial comment but in the expression of opinion of the people. There is common accord that the views therein expressed are thoroughly representative of those held by the Allied powers, and they are especially welcomed at this time as forecasting the nature of conditions upon which a satisfactory and permanent peace can only come.
The strength of the document lies in the fact that all the assertions made are unassailable in their absolute truth, and to those, like myself, who have lived for the past three years within the sound of their cannon, the indictment against the brutality of the German hosts lashed on by fear of disobedience to the Imperial command is no less true than it is justly merited. The entire frankness with which the attitude of our Government is expressed towards the Pope’s appeal and the rare discernment with which you have laid bare the real situation which exists in war-cursed Europe should make a deep impression upon those whose compassionate desire for peace has blinded them to the dangers which you so clearly point out as inevitably to follow unless its foundations be established in freedom and justice. Indeed, it is my prophecy that by your words of yesterday you have rendered an inestimable service to mankind in not only pointing the way but hastening the day of the accomplishment of this universally desired end. To those who will but see, the doorway has been left wide open.
The answer is altogether admirable both in its felicity of expression and the comprehensive way in which the great questions involved are discussed.