File No. 763.72119/710a

The Secretary of State to President Wilson

My Dear Mr. President: The Russian Ambassador called to see me Monday afternoon1 to ask me as to the attitude of this Government toward the Pope’s appeal. I told him that the communication was still under consideration and I did not feel warranted in expressing an opinion at the present time. He said that he was disappointed because his Government had telegraphed to ask him to inquire, because it was desirous to act in a similar way if possible.

I agreed that similar but independent action seemed wise, and asked him if his Government had indicated its views as to the appeal. He said that it had and that the terms proposed were unsatisfactory as they provided for a peace with the military autocracy of Germany, the overthrow of which was the supreme object of the war and the essential thing for perpetual peace and the safety of democracy. He then asked me to convey this information to you.

Faithfully yours,

Robert Lansing
  1. Aug. 20.