File No. 763.72/6160
The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 3, 11 a.m.]
2352. My 2334, July 26, 12 p.m.1 Further referring to the outcome of the recent Allied conference to discuss the Balkan situation, I learned this morning from Mr. Cambon that the difference between the British and French Governments upon the wisdom of maintaining the forces at Salonica was so irreconcilable that it was not thought best to press the matter to a conclusion at the conference, but it was planned to have Mr. Ribot confer with Lloyd George in London as soon as possible with a view to see if some definite program could not be amicably agreed upon between them. As mentioned in my No. 2321, section 2,2 England has all along felt that the tax on her shipping resources at a time when they were very much needed elsewhere was not sufficiently recompensed by the advantages which would accrue in holding Salonica and added to which reason was the fact that the Russian defection threw an added burden upon England in prosecuting her Mesopotamian campaign.
Mr. Cambon stated, however, that no discussion at the conference proceeded to such a situation as to cause any bitterness or serious dissatisfaction.