File No. 763.72/13431d
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page)
4654. Your 5946, April 5.1 You may inform the British Government that an immediate visit from a commission led by Mr. Balfour for the purpose of conference will be most welcome to this Government, which is anxious to arrange at the earliest possible moment plans of cooperation with the Allied Governments. You may add that this Government is deeply appreciative of the offer of the British Government in suggesting this commission under so eminent a leader.
You should also inform the British Government confidentially that the French Government has in the same informal way proposed to send a distinguished commission to this country to express to the President the appreciation of France of his recent message and to the American people the friendship of the French nation. This commission will also be welcomed by this Government.
Though the two commissions have apparently different purposes it may be found advisable for the British and French Governments to consult together in order that there may be no confusion in arranging the respective visits.
[Page 15]I am informing Ambassador Sharp of the proposed British commission’s visit and advising him to communicate with the French Foreign Office to the same effect.