File No. 763.72/5141
The Consul at Liverpool ( Washington) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 4.]
Sir: I have the honor to report the arrival in Liverpool on the 18th instant by the Cunard steamship Orduna of Base Hospital No. 4, United States Army (Lakeside–Cleveland, Ohio, unit), in command of Maj. Harry Gilchrist, Medical Corps, U. S. A., and as this was the first arrival in England of a unit of the Regular Army of the United States, General Edwards, commanding the Mersey defences, informed me that he would board the steamer on its arrival to officially welcome them, and requested me to accompany him, which invitation I accepted, explaining, however, that as the official visit was timed for 9 a.m. and the vessel was to arrive at 7.30 a.m. a vice consul from this office would meet the ship at the moment of her arrival to informally place the services of the Consulate at the disposition of the officer in command. General Edwards boarded the Orduna and reviewed the command, making a brief address of welcome. Colonel Bradley, U.S.A., attached to the American Embassy, London, was also present. In the evening General Edwards, under the sanction of the Secretary of State for War, gave a dinner for Major Gilchrist and the twenty-one medical officers, Reserve Corps, U. S. A., who accompanied him, at which were present a number of British military officers. I may mention that the officer in charge of the arrangements during the recent visit of the King to Liverpool informed me that he had been directed to inform the King [Page 85] should this command arrive during the visit, and that the King had on leaving expressed his great regret that the unit had not reached Liverpool during the time of his visit.
This despatch is transmitted in duplicate.
I have [etc.]