The Acting Foreign Trade Adviser of the Department of State (Letcher) to the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy (Crawford)

My Dear Sir Richard: There is enclosed a copy of a letter from Mr. H. U. Gade, an American citizen established in Christiania, engaged in trade between the United States and Norway, in regard to the difficulties experienced in connection with the present system of issuing “letters of assurance” for shipments to Scandinavia.

The difficulties which he points out, particularly with reference to the delays and uncertainties and expense in regard to credits, seem to be very real ones and I transmit this letter to you so that you may examine it with a view to determining whether the suggestions of Mr. Gade or some similar plan may not be feasible.

I am sure you will give sympathetic consideration to the matter and I shall be glad to discuss the question raised with you if you will indicate to me your willingness to do so.

Very truly yours,

Marion Letcher